Example sentences of "[coord] he [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Er William doyen of the broadcasting standards council and a man whose seems to er I do n't know I do n't know whether he courts bad publicity or he but anyway .
2 The points about joint responsibility for assets , liabilities and profits apply whether a band member is dismissed or he or she leaves voluntarily .
3 No , I do not wish to give any sort of name to it because I do not yet grasp the true meaning of this ‘ presence' : all that I sense , however vaguely , is that it or he or He is not hostile .
4 Sometimes this is because the perpetrator himself has repeatedly warned his victim not to say anything , or he or she will either get into trouble or be disbelieved .
5 Or he or she may call your bluff and see what happens , in which case you must fight and keep on fighting .
6 And because it is just one in a hundred , that one is going to be different in one way or another , or he or she would not bother to buy .
7 In an extended piece of discourse , a common procedure , known as anaphora , is for the identity of someone or something to be given once at the beginning , and thereafter referred to as she or he or it .
8 or he or she could start with a Viking place name or a reference to a Viking raid in their own area .
9 Acting for a seller , who may be at risk of heavy damages payable to a disappointed buyer , the seller should be asked explicitly whether anyone else has an interest in the property : if so , that person 's written consent to the sale should be obtained , or he or she should join in the contract for sale to declare and relinquish his or her interest , if any .
10 And he But he was n't so regular ?
11 And they were not mistaken , for He did provide , and provide abundantly : quails and bread , ‘ and he that gathered much had nothing over , and he that gathered little had no lack ; they gathered every man according to his eating . ’
12 And they were not mistaken , for He did provide , and provide abundantly : quails and bread , ‘ and he that gathered much had nothing over , and he that gathered little had no lack ; they gathered every man according to his eating . ’
13 And he that is born of woman that he should be righteous ?
14 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you , every male throughout your generations , he that is born in thy house , or bought with the money of any foreigner , that is not of thy seed …
15 In Revelation 22 verse 11 we read ‘ He that is unjust let him be unjust still : and he which is filthy let him be filthy still : and he that is righteous let him be righteous still . ’
16 Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you ; For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .
17 the , the more you argue for this economy , and the more you argue no this is , this really is how the peasant felt and he that the peasant really erm did n't have any ideas of changing society at that of the landlord system the more I assume that one would support this kind of rent reduction , interest rate reduction campaign which allows you to slowly build up that mobilization which is necessary .
18 And he that searches the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of god .
19 Or the moment can be an important point in an overall design to fill space , such as the moment in a grand jeté en avant when the dancer 's two legs are at an equal height from the ground and he or she appears to travel onwards effortlessly through space .
20 A solicitor in divorce law or conveyancing will not deal with the music business on a day-to-day basis and he or she will not be able to advise you fully on the terms of a music industry agreement .
21 ASK ANY thoughtful person for a list of the problems likely to confront Britain in the next few decades and he or she will have no trouble answering .
22 There are five of these general arrest conditions : ( a ) the name of the person is not known to the police officer and he or she can not ‘ readily ascertain ’ it .
23 Suppose you actually managed to escape all the harmful effects of tobacco but your child took up smoking because you smoked and he or she went on to develop one of those dreadful ( and often fatal ) illnesses .
24 As with the action sample those carers who continued to express a clear preference for home care talked in terms of it being no bother to continue caring , or even if it was ‘ a bother ’ , home was the best place for the dementia sufferer , and he or she and the carer were ‘ coping ’ .
25 If any changes take place , either physically , mentally or emotionally , be sure to inform your teacher and he or she will be able to reassure you that it will soon pass .
26 For instance , If you are talking to a neighbour and he or she seems in no particular rush , then invite him or her in for an impromptu cup of something .
27 Also , if you catch the doc in a bad mood and he or she hears you taking the mickey , there are lots of particularly nasty cures which can be prescribed , such as :
28 Regardless of the experience of your senior nurse momentary aberrations do occur , particularly under pressure , and he or she may simply not have realised the implications of what was being asked .
29 So too with exhibiting : somewhere a reader may be able to grow significantly better roses than his or her neighbours , and he or she would like to put it to the test of the show-bench .
30 Indeed , talk to any manager and he or she already has common-sense theories of motivation , often built up over long periods of observing people at work .
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