Example sentences of "[coord] not [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Its high resistance to detonation allows high compression ratios to be used and thus offers potential for more power than petrol ; little or not particulate emissions come out the exhaust pipe and CO 2 production is relatively low .
2 After April 1988 , you will have the right to leave your employer 's scheme as well , or not join one when you start a new job , and take out a PP .
3 I shall use it , or not use it , as I think fit . ’
4 Chances are you 're not gon na use it or or not use it .
5 This is a delicate negotiation and if at a later stage the prospective purchaser who made the highest offer withdraws , the other parties may have lost interest or not wish to participate .
6 Mike 's referred to the change in grant distribution erm , the position on that is , is it 's got a slide which may or not help people in terms of their somebody 's standing on it I just love new technology , it 's great
7 Therese had explained the rule here that a girl must either accept to dance with everyone who asked her or not get up at all .
8 ‘ But if you could give me some minutes of your time , I 'd happily delay my visit , ’ she suggested — and silently added , or not go to Prague at all .
9 We have a choice : either accept a UK transmission fee only from the BBC ( in lieu of the usual Channel Four model of a full commission ) or not make the programmes .
10 This may be less damaging overall than the psychological effects of feeling alienated from normal school life , by constantly having to avoid certain classes or not eat school food .
11 I believe that all parents would rather pay increased taxes or not receive tax cuts if that would deal with the problem .
12 The general idea is that erm you could replace the many wires that feed power to lights , horns and things of that sort by a single wire that just provides power to everything , along which you would send signals which would be decoded by micro-electronic components within the lamp unit to decide whether that should draw power or not draw power , and so you can replace the harness , effectively , with a single thick wire .
13 What we may expect , know or not know about our audience can present other dimensions of difficulty and challenge .
14 Clearly the cat will know ( or not know , as the case may be ) , but how can anyone else tell ?
15 The widget-making company may increase the amount it pays the remaining workers ; it may reduce the price of widgets ( or not increase it as fast as prices in general rise ) ; and it may be able to retain some of the saving as increased profits .
16 Or not lie , maybe .
17 But like a blood relation I ca n't dislike her or not care about her .
18 A wrong choice could ruin the turbine because of high winds or not produce enough energy because of low winds .
19 I demand now in plain terms whether you will or not have the protector for your sovereign . ’
20 They spent so much time talking about gay things that they did n't actually have much time to do many gay things — which is why I think the really crucial thing that happened in the seventies was not the liberation of a particular sexuality but actually the liberation of a particular set of relationships through which people could enjoy sex , or not have sex , as the case may be .
21 The people who decide whether to believe them or not have been able to check their own stocks quickly , to make sure no bombs or material are missing .
22 Often enough , themes need little extra harmonic support , but sometimes without harmonies the melody would sound odd , or not have those rich suggestive qualities which harmonization completes .
23 As to the performance , the increasing quantity of ‘ voices only ’ work by the Hilliard Ensemble and others gives rise to several questions about the performance style and vocal colour which these groups consciously or not have adopted .
24 The basic requirement is for a carry flag , a one-bit processor register which is set according to whether or not carry occurs out of the accumulator during an arithmetic operation ; the carry is out of the left-hand or next to the left-hand bit position , depending on whether the left-hand bit Position participates in multiple.length arithmetic or not .
25 He proposes four bonds : attachment ( the extent to which individuals have close emotional ties to other people ) ; commitment ( the extent to which they see conventional behaviour , for example at school , as offering immediate or long-term rewards ) ; involvement ( the extent to which their time is taken up with conventional activities ) ; belief ( the extent to which their beliefs about what is permissible or not coincide with conventional ones ) .
26 The advantage is that your debtor has either to pay you or not pay you ; if the latter , you have saved time in assessing the situation and can immediately get on with whatever action is necessary .
27 The traditional concept of religion as insurance on the next world which might or not pay off in this one is exactly reversed .
28 You can pay money or not pay money ; you can pay more or you can pay less ; you can make payments more frequently or less frequently .
29 There are some people who , for health or other reasons , should either restrict their drinking or not drink alcoholic beverages at all , eg. pregnant women , people taking certain medications etc .
30 Whatever may be the case in Russia , we in the degenerate West can switch off the radio or television , or not buy a newspaper , or not read such parts of it as we do not wish to .
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