Example sentences of "[coord] that make " in BNC.

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1 It seems at first quite astonishing to learn that neither the inventory in Jacques 's marriage contract nor that made after death provides any evidence that he was a flute-player or maker ; they seem to contradict the generally held view that he was a maker - a view which is supported by an entry in von Uffenbach 's diary which records a visit he paid Jacques in 1715 : ‘ He [ Jacques ] led me into a tidy room and showed me there many beautiful transverse flutes that he himself makes and from which he wishes to gain special profit . ’
2 I tried an abortive term at Durham University Drama Department and that made me realise even more that I wanted the real thing ; by then I had , in any case , worked the AIM stint and I did n't need theory ; I wanted practice .
3 Then the children were evacuated from London in fear of air raids and that made life difficult for many Sunday schools , since the London children wanted to show the local children how tough they were .
4 As soon as she had said it she knew that it was true and that made her sadder and crosser .
5 He loved her and trusted her understanding — and that made the choice perfectly simple after all .
6 On Clarissa 's part , because she kept putting off the dreaded bread and butter telephone call , and that made her feel guilty and irritable .
7 There were few children lucky enough to visit the cinema mid-week , as he so often did , and that made Frankie feel particularly privileged .
8 He sensed the imminence of some kind of public display and that made him very nervous indeed .
9 No , success came because Mr Major discovered what he believed , and that made him feel free at last .
10 It had , he said , been an uphill struggle for , though he was swinging well , he kept being a ‘ yard out ’ with his shots to the green and that made the putting very difficult .
11 But this captain 's bosses were different and that made the captain different .
12 There was a lot of pressure on Greg for the fourth round , and that made his eventual victory even greater .
13 He remembered old dad VATman up at Hoomey 's sitting by the fire and how he had wanted to go there , and that made him think of a good name : Lucky Fireside … no , Firelight , Lucky Firelight .
14 So I was abnormal — a sort of mini Dracula or Frankenstein 's monster , and that made me even more guilty .
15 I was clearly a bad child and that made me even more guilty .
16 The townfolk always stared as if we were doing it on purpose , and that made us feel worse .
17 ‘ You tied up a little bit towards the end , ’ said Ron , and that made me feel good .
18 As we stepped out of the plane at Madrid airport the heat hit us like an oven , and that made me feel very good indeed .
19 He was a Swaledale man who arrived in 1910 and that made all the difference .
20 And he was the only lecturer who would admit that he 'd changed his mind about something since the last lecture , and that made a great impression on me .
21 Sarah had produced a child by another man , and that made her a loose woman .
22 It was a bizarre kind of inconsistency , and that made it more difficult to make the decision to join Fleetwood Mac , because we thought there might be something going on here .
23 They would begin to know that putting a little eighth note right before the next bar meant anticipation and that made things easier because , if you have a half hour lesson and they want to learn something by Iron Maiden , and you want to show them a dorian mode in three octaves and they 've got to show you their chords in four or five positions , you 've got to work fast !
24 It was the first time she had been able to grant his wish and take him to visit Santa Claus in a large department store , and that made it for her the happiest Christmas she could remember .
25 But all Frank had to do was speak against them and that made an end .
26 But the fundamental point for me was that it involved a positive recognition of my identity and mutual recognition of our identities and that made it much easier to form more personal sorts of relationships on various social levels with other people you met naturally through the things you were doing , whether it was political or social or whatever .
27 He said : ‘ I 'm desperate to regain a Cup place , and that made the whole episode even worse . ’
28 But later she developed an allergy to feathers , and that made it very difficult for her when I wanted to keep birds in the house !
29 The g was less , and that made me feel at home .
30 And that made me wonder if you were in it , too , and he 'd had a rendezvous at the cottage .
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