Example sentences of "[coord] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I ran back half a mile of road to get a glimpse of her in the distance , though we had passed her half an hour before , & of course she was out of sight on the Downs .
2 Thank you very much for your cards which arrived all together just before my birthday on the 15th. it was nice to see the pictures of the priory & of Durham Cathedral — the buildings around here look very flimsy and new in comparison !
3 It was obvious that the policies of the ‘ democrats ’ did not reflect the interests of blue or white-collar workers or of collective and state farm members .
4 They face the prospect of having to accept unskilled jobs at lower wages or of retraining , in either event , they may have to move to another part of the country .
5 Any distance up to about a kilometre from the dwelling is of such little moment for any specialised systems of irrigation and garden farming that little adjustment is called for in either the pattern of settlement or of land use .
6 Do you remind them of Angela Williams , the first person to be prosecuted for smoking on the tube or of Paul Deiring , the first person to be jailed for smoking on the tube ( he could n't pay his £25 fine ) or do you make like Eric Butler , the Bernard Goetz of the Victoria Line , who , in 1987 , mocked and taunted by drunken youths , retaliated with a sword-stick and was punished in the courts for his efforts .
7 That 's not true of an island country like Japan , or of Singapore and they are very much related to transport routes in which they can control much of what 's happened .
8 Although as I see it the facts do not fit easily into the existing category of duress or of claims colore officii , they shade into them .
9 The Bible , then , must be true or false like a newspaper report ; few people had room for the truths of poetry or of fiction in their religion .
10 The spiritual area is concerned with everything in human knowledge or experience that is connected with or derives from a sense of God or of gods .
11 Traditionally , Paris had always been in economic terms artisanal ; the average manufactory employed no more than three or four people , usually engaged in the long-established trades of furniture making or of printing , and factory industry was a rarity .
12 No one would accuse the Americans of being frightened of the new , or the Indians of refusing to show emotion , or of inability to communicate , but all need to work in an environment which encourages them to give of their best , and encourages them to look outwards rather than inwards .
13 He was offered the post of clerk to the Privy Council or of Ambassador to Savoy .
14 However , it is not clear whether this has been the result of state intervention or of changes in the structure of production .
15 After a four-year study of 70 men , which involved a battery of tests including an assessment of respiratory health , skin prick testing , tests for the presence of antibodies in blood , lung function tests and chest radiography , Dr R. W. Mayes , a member of the medical department , in ICI 's Agricultural Division , concludes that there is ‘ no evidence of allergic reaction or of deterioration of lung function related to exposure .
16 But the blame for its weakness can not be laid directly at the feet either of the takeover or of debt .
17 Parents knew what was wrong , but were powerless to act , because they had no effective choice of schools or of curriculum ; they simply had to suffer the advice of ‘ experts ’ and the diktats of local officials .
18 It is plausible to say that our ideas of various colours , of various material things such as gold or sheep , or of processes and activities such as dancing and wrestling , derive from experience .
19 for example , that if a sporting event ends prematurely because of bad weather , or of attendance falls short of anticipated levels , some or all of the casual labour force can be discharged and workers need not be carried when there is nothing for them to do .
20 On the other hand , it may be urged that self-help ought to be strictly limited even against a wrongdoer and forbidden altogether against one who is not a wrongdoer , except that retaking might be permitted in circumstances of inevitable accident or of necessity ( e.g .
21 The detrimental effect of some odours such as toxic industrial wastes , and the results of snorting cocaine , or of solvent sniffing , is proof enough that odours , beneficial or otherwise , do enter the body as gases and can alter our physical and mental health .
22 There was nothing here which could mar his relations with her , or of course with Jack .
23 Information , defined as knowledge conveyed to the mind by a statement of fact , i.e. knowledge transfer , can take many forms — it can be words , figures or pictures , through the medium of speech , printing or screen , or of course any other stimulant to human senses .
24 Have you a sugar daddy ? ( or of course it might be more
25 But geographical patterns like this demand the jet-eye view , or of course maps .
26 They gave each other nicknames — Hayward was known as " Tarantula " because of his sometimes acidulous wit , Morley as " Whale " , Faber as " Coot " , and Eliot as " Elephant " ( because he never forgot ) or of course Possum " .
27 ( i ) Proponents of probabilistic analyses have it that two events can be cause and effect if the presence of the first raised the probability of the second from 0 to only 01 , or of course less .
28 you find that people just say your going to a meeting , can I have a lift or of course your going well I 'll go with you and your never expected to drink , your always expected to be the last as you drop every body off , so erm , I 've had a years of that
29 well no , er lets put , lets , lets , lets put that to the vote , erm have you ever advertised for love ? , either through a dating agency or of course many many newspapers carry erm , what , what they called , lonely hearts columns , now its alright you can vote , I 'm not going to pick on you particularly
30 He wears gym shoes , or regular loafers , or of course those wooden clogs of his .
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