Example sentences of "[coord] is in " in BNC.

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1 It is equally clear , however , that it is a remarkable phenomenon and that the chances of its leading to the detection of a diversion that has already taken place , or is in the course of taking place , are reasonably good and are improving as the Agency 's technology in this area develops …
2 According to the Cambridge-based World Conservation Monitoring Centre , almost all of this oil has already been washed ashore or is in the shallows along 200km of Saudi coast ; it has not moved down to the southern Gulf , where most of the turtles and dugongs live .
3 The Oxford Dictionary says that the ‘ manager regulates or is in charge ; or succeeds with limited resources or means ’ .
4 If any member of the council or any nominee of his is a member of a company or other body with which the contract is made or is proposed to be made , or is a partner , or is in the employment of a person with whom the contract is made , he has an indirect pecuniary interest which he should disclose .
5 Also , there could be problems if your house is listed as being of historic or architectural interest , or is in a Conservation Area .
6 If a sighted guide is needed at the stage when a blind pupil has not completely mastered independent mobility techniques or is in an unfamiliar environment , it is safer and more comfortable if the correct sighted guide technique , which is a very simple one , is adopted .
7 Also when the system is undergoing user trials , or is in production , users may want to request changes to simplify the use of the system or to provide additional functions .
8 A classic example of this can be found in the Interviewers Manual ( Social and Community Planning Research , 1977 ) in the section defining the head of the household as the man who owns or rents the property , or is in tied accommodation because of his job :
9 In simple language , it is normally sufficient for the occupier to make reasonable endeavours to keep out or chase off the potential or actual intruder who is likely to be or is in a dangerous situation .
10 When a tenant and a potential successor move from one council house to another the tenant does not lose the protection of a secure tenancy and there is no good reason why the potential successor should lose the protection which he has obtained or is in the course of obtaining under section 87 .
11 However , the proximity of Mr. Tee to Winchester , as it was perceived by Norwich , did cause concern to Norwich , and on 11 May they wrote to the applicant , requesting that he ensured ‘ that [ Mr. Tee ] does not attend Winchester Group 's premises or is in any way involved with the running of the business . ’
12 identified the ‘ manifest slip or error ’ into which this court is , or is in danger of , falling in its consideration of the consequences of procedural irregularities in contempt cases , such as failure to serve the committal order or serving it late .
13 may occur earlier when sufferer has regular contacts with family/friends ; lives in a rural community or is in sheltered housing .
14 ( 1 ) A licensing board shall not refuse to grant a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 2 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the applicant is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to hold a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not fit and convenient for the purposes of the canteen ; or ( c ) in a case where objection has been made to the situation of the canteen , on the ground specified in the objection ; or ( d ) that the applicant or body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement limiting the sources from which the alcoholic liquor or the mineral waters to be sold in the canteen may be obtained ; but nothing in this subsection shall prevent a licensing board from specifying in the licence granted by it the types of liquor ( including if the board thinks fit types of liquor other than those in respect of which the application for the licence was made ) which may be sold under the licence , and the holder of the licence or his employee or agent shall be guilty of an offence , if he sells alcoholic liquor of a type other than that specified in the licence .
15 ( 3 ) A licensing board shall not refuse an application for the renewal of a licence under this Part of this Act except under subsection ( 4 ) below or on one or more of the following grounds : ( a ) that the manager is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence under this Part of this Act ; or ( b ) that the rules as to the persons entitled to use the canteen have not been observed or that the canteen has in other respects been improperly conducted ; or ( c ) that the manager or the body providing the canteen has entered into an agreement of the kind mentioned in paragraph ( d ) of section 41(1) of this Act .
16 ( 2 ) A transfer of a licence under this Part of this Act shall not be refused except on the ground that the applicant is disqualified by or under this or any other enactment for holding a licence or is in other respects not a fit and proper person to hold a licence under this Part of this Act .
17 If a voluntary arrangement has been proposed or is in force , this must also be stated .
18 ( b ) That other person is at least 13 but less than 16 years of age and the actor is a member of the same household as the victim , or is related by blood or affinity to the fourth degree to the victim , or is in a position of authority over the victim and the actor used this authority to coerce the victim to submit .
19 This exception applies where the seller continues or is in possession of the goods or documents of title and subsequently delivers them to a new innocent purchaser .
20 So if A sells goods to B who then decides to leave them for A to repair , A is a person who ‘ having sold goods continues or is in possession of the goods , ’ Pacific Motor Auctions v. Motor Credits ( 1965 P.C. ) .
21 excluded if it refers to arrangements between a body corporate and another body corporate within the same group or is in connection with a joint enterprise as noted above
22 All the Contracts are valid and binding and in full force and effect and neither the Vendor nor any other party to any such Contract has breached any provisions of or is in default under the terms of any such Contract .
23 Where the beneficiary 's interest comes to an end to any extent or is in any way disposed of during his lifetime after 25/3/74 , then unless he becomes at the same time beneficially entitled to the property in which the terminated interest subsisted or to another interest in possession in it CTT is prima facie chargeable in respect of its value .
24 Where the beneficiary 's interest comes to an end to any extent or is in any way disposed of during his lifetime , then unless he becomes at the same time beneficially entitled to the property in which the interest subsisted or to another interest in possession in it CTT is to be charged as if he had made a transfer ( Continued on page 129 ) of value at that time and the value transferred had been equal to the value of the property in which the interest subsisted .
25 Just turning briefly to the issue of affordable housing , you 'll see from my H One submissions the City Council has a target , er which is in the the York area housing strategy , which is currently with the D O E for its consideration , of something like a hundred and fifty dwellings a year , giving over the fifteen year period a two thousand two hundred target , how we will go about achieving that is primarily , where it 's possible using land we already own , or is in ownership of housing associations , and taking into account the the seven dwellings outside the current city boundary , we believe in total they will contribute some fifteen hundred dwellings towards that two thousand two hundred target , this will leave clearly a significant shortfall , and it will therefore be necessary to seek to negotiate , if I can use the terms of P B G 3 erm with house builders as sites come forward in in the local during the local plan period .
26 Much — if not all — of the technology necessary for Ecotopia to function has already been developed or is in the process of being developed .
27 ( a ) Child at risk Under s47 a local authority must investigate the circumstances of any child who lives or is found in its area : ( i ) if informed that the child is the subject of an emergency protection order or is in police protection ; or ( ii ) it has reasonable cause to suspect that the child is suffering , or is likely to suffer , significant harm ( s47(1) ) .
28 However , it is not necessary for the restraint of trade clause to be part of the main contract so long as it is possible to argue that it is referable to it or is in some other way of contractual force .
29 In order to establish whether an employee was or is in a position to take advantage of his employer 's special trade connections , it is necessary to examine the quality of the contact between the employee and those connections : " the character of the work done " per Younger LJ in Attwood 's case .
30 Whether the matrimonial home is held in the joint names of the husband and wife on trust for sale or is in the name of the husband alone , it is not unusual for the court to order that the house be retained but upon certain terms and conditions .
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