Example sentences of "[coord] is say " in BNC.

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1 Which is another way of saying that what he did , or is said to have done , at Highbury on Tuesday night , takes some believing .
2 Or is saying ‘ Oh , I 'm so tired ’ , although it is a learnt , and not an involuntary , expression of tiredness , as natural a part of the tiredness-syndrome for someone in our linguistic community as yawning ?
3 The Khmer Rouge has infiltrated the towns , and is said to have secret sympathisers at very high levels in the Phnom Penh government .
4 The Solar Car , standing 225.6 ins long , 78.4ins wide and 39.4ins tall , runs on three wheels and is said to better 75mph .
5 The Al Zulfiqar group is believed to be based in Damascus and is said to be headed by Mr Murtaza Bhutto , the Prime Minister 's brother .
6 It has a catalytic converter , of course , and is said to be 80% recyclable , so you do n't know where a bit of BMW will pop up next .
7 It is still grown on the Continent and is said to contain more protein .
8 She is considered incredibly bright , capable , and is said to have been the prime mover in persuading Mr Lamont to reduce tax on new cars — a popular move in last month 's Budget statement .
9 This relationship has been analysed by Mason ( 1975 ) and is said to consist of : a source , e.g. the school and its activities , from which data is collected and recorded , from which managers draw inferences and predictions which are evaluated and the values and choices of the organisation are followed by action .
10 Mehetabel Wright was instructed by her father Samuel Wesley and is said to have understood Greek by the age of eight .
11 The one of Otakar I is superb and is said to be from the hand of the master himself .
12 Herbert was more politically conscious than John , and is said to have urged him to leave South Africa because he foresaw trouble in future .
13 Springfield Mill , east of the town centre , dates from the year of Trafalgar , and is said to be the earliest paper mill powered by steam , having a Boulton and Watt beam engine installed when it was opened for business .
14 Excessive aluminium content is conducive to brain and bone damage and is said to contribute to the onset of Alzheimer 's disease , a form of dementia , at an older age ( Hodgkinson , 1988 ) .
15 Forster was so smitten by the result that he could not trust his voice to announce the Nazi gains on the radio , and is said to have spent the night at home weeping uncontrollably .
16 From the Northampton Chronicle and Echo and then Reuter 's he arrived at The Gaurdian aged 28 in 1979 , and is said to have covered 50 sports .
17 Formerly it was the Coach and Horses inn , where travellers changed horses , and is said to incorporate some of the features of the inn .
18 The sundial on a cottage in North End was made in the 1840s and is said to be the largest in England with its twelve ft diameter .
19 He is hosting a shooting party for a dozen close friends at Sandringham and is said to be ‘ most unwilling ’ to alter his plans .
20 He was also educated at Harvard and Sussex Universities and is said to have more diplomas than a university vice chancellor .
21 Lavender oil for instance is relaxing and antiseptic and will help heal spots , whilst neroli obtained from orange blossom works well on dry skin and is said to be an anti-depressant too .
22 Growth varies with individuals , however , and is said to vary between winter and summer .
23 It is therefore found only in children and is said to be caused by ‘ polluted breast milk ’ .
24 ‘ Playground ’ was written specifically for the movie In A League Of Their Own starring Geena Davis , Tom Hanks and Madonna which premieres in the UK in September , and is said to be unrepresentative of the material featured on the ‘ Erotica ’ LP .
25 Amis 's Stanley and the Women drew blood , for a time , from feminist opinion , and is said to have been blocked for a period from entry into the United States ; and Salman Rushdie 's Satanic Verses ( 1988 ) forced its author , a Muslim-born Indian , into hiding in 1989 for its alleged blasphemy against the Prophet .
26 The picture enhancement feature is called H.261 Plus , and is said to be particularly effective at lower data rates in the 128Kbps to 384Kbps range , although it operates at speeds from 64Kbps to 2.048Mbps .
27 The Intel version shares the capabilities of the portable source Unix version and is said to be easy to install .
28 It is a non-network system and is said to enable Unix systems to read and write both MS-DOS and Mac data seven times faster than Sun Microsystems Inc 's PC/NFS .
29 The Intel version shares the capabilities of the portable source Unix version and is said to be easy to install .
30 Miller recently introduced a clear beer that looks like mineral water in a beer bottle , and is said to taste not unlike it .
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