Example sentences of "[coord] it does " in BNC.

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1 And a discrete gift it is too ; either an organism has a reverberant feedback system , or it does n't .
2 If you get thwarted or it does n't work out , c'est la vie . ’
3 Either it works or it does n't — it shows you whether you were thinking correctly and is a fascinating test of your own mind .
4 ‘ I see this as such a rite of passage — you get signed to a major , you get money , you go into the studio , a big 24-track hubbub , either it sells or it does n't .
5 Either it works or it does n't .
6 In the course of such a process you may find either that the resentment or anger goes away ( and you realize that you had ‘ got all steamed up over nothing ’ ) , or it does n't , and remains as a clear , persistent and legitimate grievance .
7 It works or it does n't .
8 Erm , where the ball is n't in the socket properly or it does n't
9 one can have a use that does not come within any of the specified classes but the activity either comes within the use specified or it does not and there is no scope for the management of the problem in terms of facts and degree .
10 They have to be already there or it does n't er really work .
11 And once we 've clipped the nails , we actually file the nail so that it 's nice and smooth and it does n't catch on your tights or it does n't catch on the sheets at night .
12 The page printer is a binary device , it either prints a dot or it does n't , and is , therefore , incapable of producing the dots of varying sizes .
13 Either the Labour party believes that competition is good for efficiency and the quality of service or it does not .
14 An object , whether it be physical , like a carburettor valve , or an abstract construct , like a research study , either fits well in its appropriate situation , or it does not .
15 The technology also has the effect of increasing the variety of production methods farmers can either er , rear livestock extensively , or intensively , where the technology for intensive production exists , and if you 're not familiar with the technology of intensive say , milk production erm , or , or it does n't exist , then clearly you wo n't be able to , to use those intensive tech techniques .
16 However , given the implied term of reasonable care and skill under SGSA s 13 , both ss 2 and 3 of the UCTA may well apply in any event to avoid an exclusion of liability if the wrong substance is used , or it does not produce the result contracted for .
17 And either section fifty four A applies or it does n't .
18 whether the southern relief road goes ahead or it does n't er is is really not er pertinent with the moment .
19 There is no high or low quality ; either an item conforms to requirements [ quality ] or it does n't [ non quality ] .
20 Do you or you can say to her is I do n't know where it 's gone or it does n't work .
21 Well the government subsidizes them a lot for , for a start and it 's , again it 's the government , the philosophy of the gover of a government either subsidize something or it does n't , does n't it , and it subsidizes what it
22 Nor it does .
23 They can always start again and it does n't matter .
24 Her last film ‘ RATTLE OF A SIMPLE MAN ’ ( 1964 ) whose commercial and critical failure ended her career , can be seen as a woman 's reply to the eulogies of the working class male celebrated by John Osbourne and his like , and it does so by poking fun at the ideology of the male and his crude sexism .
25 These groups , like all élites , have no previous perception of themselves as belonging to the troublesome classes , and it does not do for the police to remind them that the application of control can be redirected depending on who is defining the ‘ illegalities ’ .
26 Though this tends to snag on elbows and shoulders , it is nevertheless a powerful and effective technique , and it does n't place you at as much potential disadvantage as the orthodox roundhouse kick .
27 Last but not least , Keith is an historian who has frequently visited Mexico and it does n't faze him that I , as a Mexican , should come to his country to write about its artists .
28 Apparently the green movement is worried that the rind may carry pesticides ; a new generation of beer purists dislike the lemon ; and it does not go so well with the heavily sedimented style currently favoured .
29 As soon as you pick it up you know it is going to work well , and it does !
30 Nearly ten years after Belsey 's book appeared , there has been no revolution in the first sense , and it does not look as if there will be .
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