Example sentences of "[coord] it you " in BNC.

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1 Or it you leave it open and one of the other speakers in the More than One or more of the other speakers in the conversation could decide to start to talking , or no one could erm start talking the present speaker at the moment gets another chance to carry on .
2 At the moment , one of the most fascinating sections of the museum is the hanger , where a Wellington bomber is being restored , and it you think rebuilding an old car can be difficult , you ai n't seen nothin' yet !
3 The Free State front row was also impressive and it you can imagine three Mighty Mouse McLauchlans , well then you have them .
4 And we did get on reasonably well with the management then , u until we used to run into trouble of course , and er the er nineteen twenty one strike , I can vividly remember that , it was a glorious summer , dead against us nobody wanted any coal and it You had the It gave th the management the opportunity of selling all this All the old stock all the rubbish and everything .
5 And it you broke a window you had to pay for it .
6 Cos the answers , when they come back , are going to be , things like , depends on what you get in your exams and it 's very , it 's very bad stage in your life , it 's er going to affect , but I mean the weather 's going to get nice , and it you know , it 's going to be great .
7 of times and it you need to be out there
8 Now , you did once tell me , very very recently in fact , that you were the the father of this Council s with rather a contradiction in fact was that because I 've seen you trotting around the corridors of this er this Council and it you 're more like the baby of the Council than er than the father , but I I do bow to your superior knowledge of Councilling .
9 Mm , mind you I never bother , I mean if you look in supermarket , erm , you know it has er best before , and it you know it 's always a few months
10 what they are doing you see , an authorized dealer , well even a non-authorized dealer get hold of a piece of kit and then somebody say want this system , right okay , and they just have a big load of forms for maintenance agreements and all they do the dealer 'll go along and put this kit in , B T 'll come along and say yeah that conforms to regulations , sign here , the customer er sign here , the dealer send the maintenance agreement to us , we signed it , send it back , we 've never even seen it , then we turn up and find that the main control unit 's high up in the attic or in a damp cellar , in a cupboard where you ca n't see it , there 's no light and stuff like that and we 're taking jobs on like that and it you know , it 's just impossible to work on them
11 And it you know , good round the cor , really nice little thing to drive , yeah .
12 But it you want none of them on
13 I du n no but it you can see it coming through
14 i it 's , it 's obviously a thing which , if one can possibly avoid it 's a good idea to and erm I must say it helped but it you do n't know what is helping because you know we do n't know what her symptoms are going to be .
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