Example sentences of "[coord] too few " in BNC.

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1 One of the most striking qualities evident here is its unity , not a note too many or too few .
2 Suitable explanations for any delay would be that there are too many patients or too few doctors and that the service is underfunded .
3 Does this mean that too many or too few people drive cars in the rush hour ?
4 You are receiving too many or too few copies of the Globe each month
5 The businessmen accused the government of delivering too much inflation and too few tax cuts .
6 Too much of her usual talk of ‘ dreams ’ and ‘ angels ’ , and too few signs of either .
7 However , our research indicates that this is not happening , primarily because there has been a failure in most parts of the world to recognize or accept the critical role played by paraprofessionals in social service delivery , little effort has been devoted to the clarification of appropriate paraprofessional roles and functions and to their training and deployment , and too few social work education programmes are training social workers to work alongside paraprofessional personnel .
8 It needs to be , for an unfit smallholder has little hope of success , and too few people know what it feels like to be really fit .
9 There are a number of reasons why these filamentous algae flourish , the two most common being too much light ( artificial or sunlight ) and too few aquarium plants .
10 The only fact upon which dieticians seem agreed is that in general we eat too much meat and too few vegetables , which distorts the balance of fat in our bodies .
11 New York 's city government has too much on its plate , too big a budget , too many employees , too powerful labour unions — and too few politicians with the guts to do anything about it
12 For Austrian would-be students it is very difficult to enter the Academy as there are too many artists in Austria and too few opportunities to sell pictures , Austria being so poor .
13 The report alleged that many scientists , engineers and other specialists were not given the opportunities they should have and too few civil servants were skilled in the techniques of modern management .
14 This second group never gets the chance of continuing care because there are too many admissions and too few long stay beds or suitable community residential places .
15 There are too many highly qualified , expensive professionals employed in mental health services who work within traditional professional roles , and too few general support workers or ‘ generic ’ mental health workers willing to turn their hands to a variety of practical and emotional support work .
16 Finally , in view of the crucial part which the further education sector plays in the educational and economic well-being of Wales , not least in the way in which it caters for the indigenous population , it is regrettable that too big a gap still exists between it and the secondary school sector and too few Welshmen and women , particularly perhaps among those who are Welsh speaking , recognize its many achievements in the past and the vital contribution which it will be called upon to make in the future .
17 There seems to have been too many people writing blockbusters , and too few plots stretched much too far .
18 They were mostly a little lonely and disorientated , enjoying none of the ( few ) advantages of the ordinary boarding-school , and too few in number to feel any sense of corporate identity .
19 That was back in the days when there were too many manufacturers and too few customers .
20 They always had uncleanable carpets and too few ashtrays ( prime targets for students living in halls of residence ) and the service is usually lousy .
21 These disparities are largely attributed to poor educational attainment — too many people leaving at the statutory school leaving age with few or no qualifications , too few continuing their education and too few entering higher education .
22 And you can see the , you can see the way in which it can be applied , if we know , erm , that there are erm , too many people of a certain age , and too few jobs , then maybe we can do something about it .
23 There were too few witnesses , and too few clues .
24 The two rocket boosters attached to the shuttle 's belly drop back to sea and are reused , but too few will be built to support the NASA manifest .
25 Bovril and Oxo do supply a few calories , but too few to be worth counting , and can provide a nice , hot , comforting drink on a dieting evening .
26 All of us , to some degree and in our own way , are ready to lecture and opinionize , but too few to listen .
27 There seem to be too many outlets in Wales , for example , but too few in the north of England .
28 — generally , dictionaries have more senses than necessary for broad applications but too few for specific applications ;
29 Its size and mass are similar to the Earth , but too few data exist for it to be known whether its interior composition and structure are as similar .
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