Example sentences of "[coord] put [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Managers were encouraged by corporate head office to eradicate such excesses at the work-outs , not to refer them to committees or put them through the proper channels .
2 Some furnishings , pot-holders and ornaments have a very strong-smelling varnish coating , particularly cheap bamboo products with a glossy surface If you have any items of this sort , banish them or put them in an airtight container .
3 One 's called the Austin Special , and it 's really cool-looking with three hotted-up Danelectro-style lipstick tube pickups that you can either run as single-coils for that crinkly kind of clarity , or put them together for a humbucking sound .
4 Dispose of dirty nappies by flushing them down the toilet , or put them in a sealed plastic bag .
5 Drain well in a colander and divide them among individual bowls or put them in a large soup tureen .
6 I found the wire loops , though , having seen the boys set them , and I tore them out or put them under the grass on the paths the boys used to take when they came to inspect their traps .
7 But when we come to look at the cluster and the and the audience contact then then you know we may see something a little bit different , Okay but er those are the important aspects things like things like whoops the use of the hands you know several people put their hands in their pockets or put them behind their back or something like that .
8 Yes , erm , that 's right , or put them on the
9 and they 're doing it again and again and again , it suits them , it suits the ones that are really rich to have ordinary people struggling like that and it suits them not to have that two hundred pounds a week going in to help those people and they 're the people who it suits who will decide whether that two hundred pounds a week goes to help on the mortgage or put them into what is it , a bed and , a bed and breakfast ?
10 If you decide at the end of the day the thing to do is to pick up this kid and run like hell for somewhere you can gain , wave for help , or put him in the car and drive like mad to the hospital , then you might just do that , even though it breaks all the golden rules of first aid
11 If anything happened to the computer and it proved impossible to get at the data inside , you could go to your back-up diskettes and simply copy the data back into the computer when it had been repaired , or replaced , or put it onto another computer .
12 you lose it or put it beneath glass ,
13 Do you think I should put it on deposit at the Nat West ; or put it into Savings Certificates ; or Unit Trusts ; or just spend it ?
14 Should a higher form of awareness decide to tip the balance here or there ( perhaps by embryo implantation ) or put it on ice ( as in frozen embryos ) so that knowledge can be gained which will enable future embryos to prosper healthily , then it will not be acting contrary to what Nature itself does by trial and error and evolution .
15 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
16 • The UNIPOT needs the minimum of cleaning , to keep its good looks simply wash in hot soapy water or put it in the dishwasher .
17 When I wake up I just pull it back or put it on top of my head in a top knot .
18 ‘ She said I 'd have to pay the full amount or put it back in the freezer , ’ said Mr Parker , of York .
19 Tear the slip out and hand it in at any Midland branch ; or put it in one of the AutoDeposit machines that have been installed at a number of our branches .
20 Half bury the log or timber in soil in a part of the garden where it will stay damp , or put it on a shaded window-sill in a plastic container ( ice-cream carton ) .
21 Sometimes he picked something up , squatting on heels to examine it , then slipped it into a bag that hung from his shoulder ; or put it down again , going on .
22 Never throw a fork or spade or put it down near your feet .
23 The next stage is to implement it or put it into action .
24 Usually they put debit after it or something , or put it in red .
25 Place the joint in a trivet over the tin , or put it on the oven rack directly above the roasting tin , so that the juices from the meat ‘ weep ’ into the potatoes and onions .
26 ‘ So only the person who served the lobster or put it on the plates could have poisoned it ? ’
27 Or put it in a left-luggage compartment somewhere . ’
28 " [ T ] he language of an exemption clause is prima facie to be construed against the person who drafted it or put it forward … [ and ] the language of an exemption clause must be sufficiently explicit to disclose the common intention of the parties without straining the language " ( Cumming-Bruce LJ in Acme Transport Co Ltd v Betts [ 1991 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 131 ) .
29 And , or put it down the cellar in the
30 or put it down the cellar , you see , out the way .
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