Example sentences of "[coord] because we " in BNC.

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1 Probably due to the newness of our sample , this proved quite difficult to do , but by the end of the test it was getting easier , either because the sleeve was wearing in , or because we were developing the knack — you must push the sleeve right back .
2 In practice when items of archaeological information , such as the date of the sculpture and its style , are taken into account , we can eliminate some quarries because they are not operational at that date or because we know the sculptors were working in certain places and it is highly improbable that they were using distant rather than local sources .
3 We do n't vote Labour because we think it will bring socialism , or because we think it will cure the slump , or even because we particularly admire its policies .
4 Dewey then identified the characteristics of practical judgments in terms of their tentative and hypothetical character and suggested that we may often misjudge what is to be done either because we have overlooked relevant facts or misinterpreted them or because we have misjudged the best course of action to be followed .
5 We get many of our beliefs by indirect observation in just this way , either because we do n't want to make a direct observation or because we ca n't .
6 Do you imagine that we are the way we are about money because of mother or because we would have been like that anyway ? ’
7 Sometimes we cry , either because we are physically suffering like Jeremiah and Paul , or because we are sad to see our family and friends who do n't follow Jesus .
8 Okay , do they , do they run for twenty-five because we like them to , or because we ca n't afford to pay them any sooner .
9 We all like ‘ to do right ’ by our horses and this often involves the over-feeding of supplements , either because the horse does n't need them in the first place or because we tend to think ‘ a little bit extra will do him even more good ’ .
10 At Macci 's academy , enrolment during the school year is limited to about 40 students ‘ for control factors and because we want to maximize everybody playing supervised matches on Tuesdays and Thursdays , ’ Macci said .
11 To prevent the spread of infection ( and because we live in a throw-away society ) disposable needles are often used , although if your dog requires prolonged treatment your vet may keep a ‘ permanent ’ set especially for that purpose .
12 Being anchor man , the one at the back of the rope , and because we were walking directly into the sun , I delighted in the shadows of those in front .
13 As a matter of practice , and because we 've all got to live , we all draw about two-thirds of what we would have got last year as we go along , then share out the rest at the end of the year . ’
14 If we do not face our anger or frustration at work , we take it home with us and because we feel safer and more secure with those at home , we direct our anger and frustration at them .
15 Togetherness , along with youthfulness , are the ideal , and because we are reminded of this in almost every book , newspaper article , film and play , a feeling of loneliness can affect women on their own .
16 And because we live in an era when all other human relations and values are in crisis , or at least somewhere on a journey towards unknown and uncertain destinations , xenophobia looks like becoming the mass ideology of the 20th-century fin de siècle .
17 We were easy targets for ridicule , and because we were angered and hurt by all of this , we withdrew further into ourselves , and stopped having contact with heterosexual women almost entirely .
18 And because we are reading the story , we are at an imaginative level participating in the events , recognising aspects of ourselves in the main character .
19 ‘ The horse is certainly in good heart and because we are drawn close to Lochsong we are on the side of the track with a strong pace guaranteed .
20 We do n't send more papers out to external referees because we do n't want to exhaust this valuable resource ( even though we have about 2500 referees on our database ) and because we are the best judge of issues like whether the paper belongs in the BMJ or another sort of journal .
21 The Cosmos Consumer Protection Plan cover virtually every aspect of your holiday , from the moment you pick up our brochure to the moment you arrive back home , and because we want everyone to know where they stand with us it clearly spells out our obligations to you and your commitments to us when you book a holiday with us from this brochure .
22 Although our life was cold and miserable , I felt enthusiastic because I was fit and because we were doing a lot of military training .
23 However , in keeping with the somewhat critical approach adopted in Chapter 1 , and because we also wish to indicate how our studies might be put upon a set-theoretical base ( the soundness of which is the concern of set-theorists ) we propose definitions rather more formal than many a reader might expect .
24 I have had the advantage of reading in draft the reasons for judgment given by Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. I agree with those reasons in their entirety but , because of the fundamental importance of the issues raised and because we are differing from the judgment of a very experienced judge , I add some words of my own .
25 We done it for a laugh and because we were bored and it got out of hand .
26 But because they are supposed to be utterly other and not-us — the barbarians outside the city — and because we the powerful can not imagine the situation of being the victims of such a war , this normality is perceived as incomprehensible .
27 And because we were sitting in a bar in central Africa , and there was nowhere else they could go to buy a drink , they had no choice but to sit and listen .
28 And because we 'd found self-esteem , we had the courage to go and sell ourselves successfully to employers .
29 Jesus died to redeem us , and adopt us into the Father 's family ; and because we are sons God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts , enabling us to call ‘ Abba , Father ’ ( Gal. 4:5,6 , Eph. 1:5 , Rom. 8:15 ) .
30 And because we now we can rely on your experience and skill to convey it safely . ’
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