Example sentences of "[coord] because [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Either from choice or because they can not find employment , people are retiring earlier .
2 If the citizens of modern London are more productive in a material , measurable sense than those of ancient Athens , it is not because more of them are educated or because they are better educated .
3 But men have had such experiences and done nothing further about them , either because they have decided that there was less to the experience than they at first supposed , or because they could not endure the ethical and spiritual demands which were implied in the unspoken , ineffable moment of divine knowledge .
4 The law would make it unlawful to deny people a job either because they were union members , or because they did not want to belong to a union .
5 Be on the look-out when ordinary people are despised because they do n't speak the way you do , or because they come from the council estate .
6 It was clearly foreseen , though not stated , that these would be drawn mainly from the workhouses , either because the relatives of the dead could not pay for interment , or because they had not been notified of death .
7 It is Protestant perceptions which explain their actions and those perceptions were amplifying the fundamental divisions between those unionists who remained committed to pragmatic reform , either because they believed in liberal unionism or because they believed that satisfying the Westminster government 's demands for reform was the only way to maintain Stormont , and the right-wingers who wanted to preserve traditional unionism .
8 Whether because they have genuinely changed their political philosophy or because they simply realize that they will never get away with it in a modern pluralistic society , for whatever reason , conservative Protestants have preferred to follow the democratic inheritance of the Reformation .
9 This might be because they were estranged in some way before the person 's death or because they resent the person dying and leaving them to cope .
10 It 's never been clear though , if you have a Conservative seat , say , in the West Midlands , whether people vote because they think Mrs Thatcher is doing a good job , or because they are worried about a local problem , or because Mrs McJones next door was helped by the sitting candidate over her rates problem !
11 People who have a poor immune system through diseases such as Aids or because they are taking medication are also at risk .
12 As , on many visits to the schools , we argued far into the evening , several Commissioners and their hosts became unclear as to whether Public Schools should be abolished because they were very good or because they were very bad .
13 Fleas , ticks , and spiders of various Kinds are associated with disease either directly as a result of their bites or because they act as vectors of infections such as typhus and the relapsing fevers .
14 Some hemiplegic patients are incontinent , either because they have poor sensation and can not feel when the bladder or bowel needs to be emptied , or because they do not pay attention and so forget to go to the toilet , or ask to be taken .
15 Unless you have regular lessons , which many owners do n't , either because they ca n't afford to or because they ca n't be bothered , it is unlikely that horse ownership will actually improve your riding .
16 People were run over by trains because they would stretch themselves out on the rails for a quick nap , or because they were drunk .
17 Support workers rarely left because they found other preferred employment or because they disliked the work ( this happened with only three of the workers in Ipswich and only four in Newham ) .
18 For example , among those carers living with a dementia sufferer , there were some who gave little care because the sufferer did not need much , because they went out to work , or because they themselves were frail ; and at the other extreme were people who ‘ did everything ’ for a sufferer , and rarely left the house without him or her .
19 This could either have been because their services were more expensive , or because they were providing more of them .
20 Some requests or demands are reasonable and fair , but others certainly might not be so because they fail to take into account the child 's right to his/her needs and point of view , or because they are inappropriate to his/her level of development .
21 Are local politics concerned with consumption because they are local , as the dual state thesis suggests , or because they are urban ?
22 All too often students have difficulty or fail in their learning because they have an imperfect grasp of some concept , or because they have not learned some particular skill .
23 A few chapters of Music , Mind , and Brain are stimulating and produce the right sort of sparks ; but others jar either because they are couched in long-winded jargon , or because they set off with a title and intent , which lead one to expect something new in the way of results , but then degenerate into vague speculations .
24 I asked , wondering if they 'd been angry on behalf of Ban Bhāi because Chola and the other women had n't waited for his permission , or because they 'd cheated , sneaking out first and grabbing all the pine-needles at the edge of the forest without having to climb at all .
25 I can not imagine why yours have started so quickly , unless they are older than they look — they may have been kept in conditions where they have not grown on , due to overcrowding , or because they have been left with their parents for too long .
26 Or because they 're built so close to the ground . ’
27 Table 22 of Appendix 1 shows that when people have recently bought a major item for cash rather than credit , half did so either because they never use credit or because they prefer not to if they can avoid it .
28 In FI , such people are tolerated by some : either because they are good company or because they provide ‘ services ’ , whether these be the producing of Mercedes cars which are then flogged off at a profit or the procuring of girls .
29 Many women resist swapping jobs because they know they could do a job a lot better or quicker themselves , or because they are frightened of ‘ having a go ’ at traditional male jobs .
30 First , women do not derive their identity and self-esteem from paid work in the same way men do ( either because they do not have paid jobs or because they regard these as less important than their role in the family ) .
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