Example sentences of "[coord] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Financial Management & other Management Training
2 No doubt we shall hear about the street children from Amnesty & other sources from time to time .
3 Subject : Crewe Alexandra & other stuff
4 Subject : Re : Crewe Alexandra & other stuff
6 Effective liaison is at the heart of LX philosophy : effective liaison inter se ( Networking/cohesion/coordination ) , effective liaison with/through all manner of UK organisations with which the network maintains contact : CBI , BOTB , Chambers of Commerce , Language and Export Associations , DES , Regional Pickup Offices and all associated initiatives ( e.g. , LENS , TOURISM & other LCPs , TAPS , Open Learning Centres , LINGUA , The Pickup Europe Unit ) plus the educational sector .
7 The new Statement now requires plans to report all investment contracts issued by insurance enterprises or other entities at fair value , except where they incorporate mortality or morbidity risk .
8 Many scientists study physical forces , particles , molecules , organisms or other entities for which geographical or geopolitical boundaries are irrelevant .
9 Materials for environmental or other field-work may include cameras and tape recorders , or simply measuring tapes and surveying equipment , but in many cases there will also be a work-card or outline to guide the activity .
10 You must make sure that you deal ( and are seen to be dealing ) impartially with all aspects of your work , eg you must not wear items which may indicate political , controversial or other affiliations which might bring your impartiality into question .
11 From birth , the baby and infant imbibes moral values and learns to control instinctual wishes so that he or she is not chastised by parents , or other agents of socialization .
12 It is not intended in this book to deal specially with the law administered in the modern Restrictive practices Court , Employment Appeal Tribunal , or other specialist tribunals . )
13 Women were referred to the clinic by a gynaecologist or other specialist ( 302 , 61% ) or by a general practitioner ( 101 , 20% ) or came to the clinic on their own initiative ( 85 , 17% ) .
14 English used for communication outside commercial , scientific or other specialist contexts .
15 Titles were often kept going on the profits of provincial partners or other businesses .
16 Altogether complaints from various sources concerning 126 practices or other businesses for which members are responsible were given consideration by the Committee which resolved upon the terms of charges in respect of ten members .
17 What is also taking place is the formation of sexual identity , the growing allegiance to male or female gender through identification with one or other parent .
18 Less severe symptoms also contain the seeds of revenge , a need to control , a fixation on one or other parent or lack of confidence in gender identity .
19 Whenever Joanne completed a task requested by one or other parent without complaint she was rewarded from the same reward ‘ menu ’ .
20 If Keith got out of bed one or other parent would immediately return him and hold him gently but firmly until he lay quietly .
21 Not least , the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 which require not only that any organisation employing more than four people must record the results of a health and safety risk assessment and for all employers to implement measures needed to minimise or eliminate hazards identified in their own assessments , but that ( other than sole traders and partnerships ) a ‘ competent person ’ — defined as someone with ‘ sufficient training and experience and knowledge or other qualities ’ — is appointed to help implement compliance with all H&S legislation .
22 . Right , During the past twelve months , have you ever bought any first day covers for new British issues either for yourself or other collectors ?
23 To acknowledge any such standard would be , in effect , to accept a principle that might lead to a lesser religious or other liberty , if not to a loss of freedom altogether to advance many of one 's spiritual ends .
24 The technology should be proved , and expertise gained , between 1992 and 1994 , by which time we should aim to commission the higher-level system to use in applications such as visitor centre information points , educational use of videodisks or other IT media , and to integrate image information into our plant information systems .
25 a fiery fellow ( the salamander was popularly supposed to be able to live in fire ) ; also , a circular iron plate which is heated and placed over a pudding or other dish to brown it ( OED ) .
26 Buyers and their representatives will often throw away an orange or an apple or other fruit … it is the custom .
27 The leader either numbers each pair or gives them names such as apple , banana , cake , or other fruit .
28 Former police officers now doing security jobs in shops , banks and offices have begun to ask Victim Support to provide help for employees who have become victims of crime through robberies or other incidents at the workplace .
29 At the end of February total casualty figures among the 700,000-strong allied force were estimated to be at least 131 killed in action and 100 in accidents or other incidents .
30 It is very difficult , particularly for those who work in a stuffy , overcrowded office , to which they commute on a stuffy overcrowded train , successfully to avoid catching cold or other viruses .
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