Example sentences of "[coord] people would " in BNC.

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1 Brown knew that the universe was his own imagination , and that he just had to send thoughts and entire galaxies and peoples would no longer exist .
2 It is not like Hamburg , where they have had a tournament for a hundred years and people would go out and watch tennis at 7 am , even in the freezing cold . ’
3 And sometimes Madame would just decide that we all needed a change and there 'd be paint ordered and people would come in during the day and work for a couple of days and the whole place would be done out for a party or a festival .
4 This intro on the piano was in its way a very formal announcement , and people would hear it over or under whatever other music was on , and the bar staff would turn the tapes down and then off , without anyone having to say anything , they would just do it .
5 And if Elinor 's mother should break down he would sob operatically and people would say to each other , as he stood by the flowers afterwards , ‘ My , my .
6 Their way is n't our way-and , besides , give her money and people would talk .
7 As I saw it , they were either downmarket Wimpy bars or precious bistros where all you could hear were the sounds of the cutlery hitting the plate , and people would cough before speaking because they had n't said anything for such a long time , what with all the hush .
8 Land for miles and miles around could be ruined and people would be badly affected ’ .
9 It had taken a war to do that , Vi realized ; though she would n't mind betting that on the day peace came , all the caring would end and people would go back to minding their own business again , just as they had before it started .
10 Fittingly , after an ex-McCarthyite and Wolfhound have been peddling their wares , God Is My … stutter back to the ‘ C86 ’ era when Stump were taken seriously and people would bend their guitars into curious shapes without being openly ridiculed .
11 I could go anywhere in the world and people would recognize me as an athlete .
12 And people would know what you meant even if you did n't spell it right .
13 Erm and people would n't know what to do , whether to leave the child at the bottom of the stairs and take the the shopping in or to leave the shopping and have er you know , er think it might go missing or something by the time they take the child and the buggy .
14 I thought ‘ interesting ’ and kept it for pet for about three weeks ; I called it George , and people would give me extra helpings ‘ because you 're eating for two now . ’
15 All my programmes would have been working and people would have seen what I was trying to do . "
16 Anyway , he always told himself that this would be the last time ; this time he would find some really good job in which he would get on really well and his talents would be appreciated and people would like him and he would surprise all his Tormentors , so there would be no reason to go through the whole fraught and sapping business of signing on again .
17 It would be the end of summer in Australia , and people would be longing for the winter .
18 My guess is that in about twenty or thirty years ' time , it would be reprinted and people would start to re-think , oh well , perhaps this is not so
19 Quality would deteriorate and people would have less choice and therefore a less good service .
20 It was hoped that free trade in goods throughout the region would be ensured by 1995 and that the movement of capital and people would be deregulated by the end of the decade .
21 All files which did not concern terrorism , espionage or organized crime would be removed from police hands and given to an independent body , and people would be able to obtain photocopies of their files ( and by the deadline of March 31 , 350,000 people had applied ) .
22 The rowing standard at Henley is famous throughout the world and people would give their right oar to race on the course , it 'll be every but as hard out there this year as any other .
23 If the buses came as far as Clifton Road it would be alright but any further away and people would have practically walked into town by the time they got to the nearest bus stop . ’
24 And people would sort of say , There 's a division in NATO .
25 Ginny Jenkins was stunned ; after all it was 1974 and people would n't , or could n't , believe elder abuse existed .
26 And they would n't touch her with a barge pole cos it 's all plastic and all fake and people would just take the piss .
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