Example sentences of "[coord] then went " in BNC.

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1 Friends talked the matter over far into the night and then went home , to their families or to the loneliness of dingy bed-sitting rooms , to carry on the debate in diaries and notebooks , poems and letters .
2 I wandered aimlessly around the National Gallery just for something to do and then went home .
3 I watched them go and then went to check in my suitcases .
4 Bridget made a sympathetic comment and then went off to busy herself with another chore .
5 I stayed in the cafe for as long as I felt I could and then went back outside .
6 I checked everything in at the left-luggage office in Liverpool Street station , and then went off to make a couple of telephone calls .
7 They practised early in the morning before the rains came and then went shopping .
8 According to Tass , no less , the town was terrorised by visitors from outer space — small-headed hominoids about 12ft tall who landed their flying saucer in the local park and then went walkabout .
9 The aircraft returned to Klagenfurt and then went on to Naples where he spent two nights before flying to England on 24 May , he said .
10 She was studying at the Royal College of Music when she moved into Coleherne Court with Diana , and then went on to become an opera singer , pausing only recently to have a couple of children .
11 Anyway , we went out to dinner and then went to a speakeasy .
12 I think it came from David , but Angie and Tony certainly drummed it up and sold it to us and then went on and sold it to others .
13 I spent the next few days talking to Cabinet colleagues — all of whom shared my view that the demand was preposterous — and then went to see the Prime Minister .
14 On the other end of the line , the voice hesitated and then went steely-hard .
15 I prepared myself for immersion , with my new book of instructions at hand , and then went down the steps of the mikva into the water , with my mother and friend and the attendant watching me .
16 A good-natured sandy-haired man , he welcomed me into his car with a smile , and then went on talking to the family sitting in the back , a young couple with a baby .
17 The Jordanian canteen manager noticed that the expiry date stamped on the cases by the Dutch manufacturers had already passed ; he sent a telex to Tripoli explaining his reasons for refusing to accept delivery , and then went on holiday .
18 ‘ Yes , except that while I was pulling Harry along to that far corner to give him better support , someone opened the main door above our heads , like I told you , and then went away without saying anything , and I heard a car drive off , which might have been Harry 's . ’
19 Gerald Annesley was educated at Wellington and then went out to Kenya by steerage .
20 When Maggie reached The Haven she parked the van in its usual spot , collected the grouse and then went directly into the kitchens where she dumped the birds in front of Harry Harrison , the chef .
21 ‘ Are you telling me you got out and then went back in again after me ? ’
22 And you ’ — he paused , looked at Mike with great solemnity , and then went on weightily — ‘ you will write a feature article which will put the point of view you so fortunately genuinely hold , that the legitimate demands of science must sometimes supersede the welfare of the individual .
23 They waited several minutes and then went to the back of the building where the family 's living quarters were .
24 We swapped a few anecdotes about buffoons we had encountered and then went our separate ways , hands thrust deep into our respective double-thickness , Gortex , all-weather , storm-force shell outers .
25 ‘ I do n't like your attitude , ’ he informed me , and then went on to say he would feel irresponsible selling me the bag since I displayed such a devil-may-care response to his safety lecture .
26 He sprinkled water over the towel and then went into a paroxysm of agony , nursing the injured arm against his chest and holding out his other hand for money .
27 I tried running but gave up after two paces , and then went from meditation to mental arithmetic , calculating the length of each step by counting them for each revolution of the wheel .
28 Anne 's daddy looked at the mistletoe in the apple-tree when they reached Sundial Cottage and then went in with the three Brownies to see Miss Miggs .
29 It was Peter Stone who popularised the theory , and then went on to prove its validity by float fishing at different depths and catching big bream from one depth and smaller ones from another depth .
30 Finish , there was only one man , the sergeant , who had come out with us , and then went back to pick up his correspondence and what not .
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