Example sentences of "[coord] well look " in BNC.

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1 I would n't mind being thinner and better looking but those things are n't terribly important in the long run . ’
2 I would n't mind being thinner and better looking but those things are n't terribly important in the long run . ’
3 I 'm just not quite the same build and better looking .
4 When it comes to charts , Excel also scores with the ability to produce a wider range and better looking graphics than 123 .
5 My lot just do what they 're told ( he was really quite worked up for him ) and better look out if they do n't .
6 He rightly points out that we need more ladies toilets and if you know you get the chance to use the ladies loo it 's cleaner and better looked after than the men 's , I 've heard .
7 Both knights have to be bathed , shaved and properly clothed , and well looked after before they come to themselves , and Lancelot is ‘ sore ashamed ’ of his madness , and asks that it be kept from common knowledge .
8 And well looked after !
9 And Rozario looks in trouble at the moment he is just er limping around he 's sunk back to his er hands on his knees again and well look at that he you do n't really need words to describe how he must be feeling at the moment .
10 And well look
11 Now , what you 've got to do , the one thing you really have got to do is to , is is to start being critical of yourselves and well look , am I doing anything wrong here ?
12 He was happy and well looked after in this home .
13 ‘ They are loved and well looked after . ’
14 Our purpose built well equipped creche is full of all the toys and games that children enjoy and our fully qualified and experienced staff will ensure that your child is happy and well looked after whilst you enjoy the attractions of the Sportcentre .
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