Example sentences of "[coord] she will " in BNC.

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1 As he landed heavily on the linoleum , the doctor called to him : ‘ Tell her I 'll be paying the ten shillings or she wo n't come . ’
2 He or she wo n't tell you what to do — but will be alongside you ( metaphorically ) as you find your own way .
3 ‘ I could n't understand half what she was on about , but either I 'll be learning or she 'll be giving up on me .
4 You will have to be a little cruel to be kind or she 'll never regain her stability or independence .
5 The galley behind her has pushed her in , and she 's got to change course and then turn , or she 'll overshoot the entrance to the harbour .
6 But do n't make her wet or she 'll get worse . ’
7 ‘ I hope our Mum do n't start borrowin' off of 'er or she 'll never get it back . ’
8 ‘ Without knowing what it is I ca n't say — and it 's not something I can rush because the girl wo n't talk if she 's frightened , or she 'll talk but not tell us the truth .
9 In fact , she 'll have to eat the same amount of calories as Mary — rather than what she ate before — or she 'll eventually regain the lost weight .
10 She started to go , and then turned back , saying cheerily , " Just think how nice it will be when it 's all finished with , " and then she actually added , " Well , I must go and feed my puss-puss now , or she 'll be ever so cross . "
11 I 've got to solve it or she 'll just re-route me to some tedious filing-clerk 's job !
12 We must go down and tell your mam , or she 'll never forgive us .
13 ‘ I got to later , ’ said Sam , ‘ or she 'll ring my mum . ’
14 " Just a minute , Mr Herriot , do n't touch 'er tit get or she 'll clout ye .
15 I 'd better not move it or she 'll think it 's lost .
16 I 'll tell her something , or she 'll worry .
17 " You can make fast to the ladder , but give her plenty of rope , or she 'll be standing on end when the tide goes down . "
18 Do n't tell her I said that or she 'll be up fighting me .
19 ‘ Do n't let her know what you 've found out , or she 'll only clam up .
20 ‘ You 'll be needing more space in there when she has her litter , or she 'll lie on them and crush the lot . ’
21 Mrs Putt might want a stall cleared out and fresh straw put in for some company she 's expecting , or she 'll want me to hitch up a carriage so she can go visiting .
22 I 'd better let her take you home or she 'll eat me alive and spit out the bones . ’
23 ‘ I 'd better give her a hand or she 'll sulk .
24 Well either that or she 'll have to change you a note up .
25 I do n't tell her or she 'll take on the mantleshelf .
26 she 'll play beside you or she 'll come and help you or hinder you or whatever .
27 Or she 'll be looking a bear skin !
28 And I said the thing is , she 'll pick him up off the floor or she 'll pick him up out the basket and say if you do n't give me some money for some drugs I 'll chuck him on the floor !
29 Or she 'll hit you .
30 or she 'll get burnt wo n't she ?
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