Example sentences of "[coord] at time " in BNC.

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31 Of course , the servants ' hall at Darlington Hall , like any servants ' hall anywhere , was obliged to receive employees of varying degrees of intellect and perception , and I recall many a time having to bite my lip while some employee — and at times , I regret to say , members of my own staff — excitedly eulogized the likes of , say , Mr Jack Neighbours .
32 The world of Claus and Sunny Von Bulow is icy , sterile and at times , tragically comic .
33 Quite apart from the major wetlands , every valley bottom below a certain contour line must have been soggy and at times impassable .
34 I am invariably treated like an irresponsible five-year-old , not to be trusted , and at times ‘ things ’ become rather heated .
35 The dolls became amusing , and at times touching , symbols of childhood moods , and although the treatment was at times sentimental it also had a genuine gaiety .
36 The corrugations of the track were half-filled with grit so that the wheel lost momentum in each hollow and at times I thought of myself as an engine-driver , pushing my train back to the station , always careful not to trip over the sleepers .
37 Through Bair 's memorable and at times troubling portrait , de Beauvoir confronts us once again .
38 He would probably say that his is a case of the unexcitable in pursuit of the unexciting , but the sound , and at times beautiful hockey which he has inspired ( particularly in the second half of the season ) gives the lie to such modesty .
39 Lively , spirited and at times frightening adventure adapted for television .
40 They were , on the contrary , likely to have been appreciably higher — say 30° to perhaps 50° or more during periods of significant crustal extension such as the Permian , and at times during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous .
41 One lady who was working in the Smithy and had recently been directed to Wolverton , kept pestering him for one , and at times was quite verbal about it .
42 In education the chains of accountability are long , complex and at times tangled with national and local political groups , senior management teams , governing bodies and education officials all of whom have some responsibility in the accountability process .
43 The habitats dealt with here are primarily of importance for the numbers of wildfowl and waders present during the winter months and at times of passage .
44 The Library is a relatively large , complex and at times daunting organisation .
45 In spite of modern climbing gear and boots , present day mountaineering and fell walking in bad weather is still difficult and at times dangerous .
46 And Richard Parks , an engineer with the Bechtel Corporation , which built the plant and is the prime contractor for the clean-up , claimed that ‘ the operation is disorganised and at times irresponsible .
47 Van Soest has achieved a considerable feat in guiding the reader through the complexities of ruminant nutrition with great clarity and at times a fine sense of humour .
48 A vigorous , and at times vitriolic , debate rumbled on in the pages of Nature and elsewhere , culminating in 1926 with an accusation by the American biologist Gladwyn Noble of outright fraud .
49 I had become withdrawn and at times very depressed which , of course , had repercussions on my family .
50 She is the successor of the great russian musician Samuel Feinberg , the first Soviet pianist to perform all of the Well-Tempered Clavier in concert , and Nikolayeva 's conception of work is pure , simple , lucid yet varied , romantic and at times highly individual .
51 In some ways the Linn is a rather old fashioned sounding deck , even to the extent of sounding cold and uncommunicative , and at times it fails to rise completely to the challenge set by the music it is reproducing .
52 But we could say that in any marriage it is important for both partners to be able to contain and at times to say ‘ enough is enough ’ .
53 The story of how Siegel founded Las Vegas is compelling but its treatment is half-hearted and at times dull .
54 Sometimes much prophecy is criticised as seeming to be fairly sugary and banal , and at times of course it may be .
55 In the wild they are opportunist feeders and at times of plenty they gorge themselves and then may fast for several weeks .
56 This coupled with your methylene blue filter bacteria wipe-out means that you have a tank which is generally unhealthy and at times extremely unhealthy .
57 Tinnitus may be very mild and happen only occasionally , present only if attention is given to it , or it may be violently disrupting and at times almost unbearable .
58 Remember that your balloon ripstop was probably made for the parascending sport , and you' ll appreciate why it is so soft and at times stretchy .
59 Angel herself is not wholly in context , and at times the author 's attention slipped .
60 Himself a creature of translation , in Salman Rushdie 's sense of having been borne across the world and across cultures , Ghose is among the Indo-Anglian writers of the diaspora whose work chronicles 20th-century displacement and migration.hThis novel , his eleventh , is a complex , fragmentary and at times obscure exploration of the relationship between memory and identity , and the fractures wrought in both by expatriation .
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