Example sentences of "[coord] they be " in BNC.

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1 Listening to the R5 commentary I did n't think that we played that well ( better than Norwich … but they were at home & they 're shit there usually ! ) .
2 It 's J 's birthday on April 2nd & they are having a party ( at last ! ) so I 'll catch up on the news then — they are v. seldom at Gayfield St these days , so I never see them .
3 Those who are not prepared to do so may find that their promotion 's blocked or they 're shunted into a backwater — one experienced insurance broker of my acquaintance , for instance , was offered a job in the stationery department !
4 So in an effort to find out whether are blind , or they 're just weird , we asked a member of a party of visitors from Tokyo , Miss Takishima , to be kind enough to let us process the film in her camera .
5 Or they 're dressed by their mothers .
6 Mostly they 're haphazard so that you do n't hear anything for months at a stretch , or they 're impersonal , or the responses are not followed-up and developed , or they are stupefyingly dull .
7 Personalities of course are important in politics , because people are attracted to them , or they are repelled by them , or they 're indifferent by them ( sic ) .
8 Either Gibson know something we do n't , or they 're one fret short of an octave …
9 ‘ But most of the people I 've either played with already or they 're dead now .
10 or they 're landladies from Llandudno
11 or they 're in bands
12 ‘ If someone looks like they 're not having a good time , or they 're looking at their watch , or they look like they 're acting , then the tape is rejected . ’
13 ‘ Men who are rappers have to be sexist or they 're gon na lose their credibility , so they 're gon na continue to dis women for as long as it proves their manhood .
14 Either that or they 're finding out if someone 's home before going round the back and breaking in .
15 They 're gon na gain from that or they 're gon na be seeing that they think they gain from that and all you 've got ta get over to the members we 're gon na be a cohesive force and that we 're going , we are going to fight some day together for them .
16 Or they 're voting in county council elections .
17 They 're too small or they 're too big .
18 They 're too thin or they 're too thick .
19 The either they 're all going to agree and there 's no problem anyway , or they 're not going to agree in which case you saying they 've got to be two rather than three is n't going to help the situation .
20 People buy goods and then find , for one reason or another the goods are faulty , or they 're unsatisfactory in some way and the customer then tries to get some kind of compensation .
21 D H S S , because very often , they either ca n't get telephone boxes working , or they 're hanging on so long that they do n't have enough money
22 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
23 All of a sudden they have kids to put through college or they 're shacked up with some old wreck of a husband .
24 Or they 're trying to tell us something . ’
25 On , on one hand , you 're talking about , or they 're talking about , we 're talking about , improving the aesthetics aspect of the market place , wi with nice pavings and attractive features .
26 Or they 're historical and you ca n't change them , yes .
27 Erm or they 're related to attendance at meetings you know er no
28 Either it ca n't find the address or they 're checking the place out .
29 ‘ They live , or they 're supposed to live , in the paddock between the Rectory and the House , but the fencing needs seeing to , so they tend to wander round the Rectory when they want .
30 In fact , when they raise an issue , it 's either for a , a personal ego trip , or they 're just paying lip service .
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