Example sentences of "[coord] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chapels may be eligible in their own right if they are outstanding buildings ( grade I or II* ) , or on townscape grounds if they are in conservation areas .
2 An incoming government , fresh from the overthrow of an old regime , is quite likely to take measures for nationalisation , or on exchange controls and import controls .
3 Duty sheets ( basic tasks to do during the morning or on afternoon shift )
4 Has it changed its mind on unilateral nuclear disarmament , or on the Common Market , or on nationalisation , or on trade unions , or on the free market ?
5 An Englishman is not easily persuaded to dine on snails with an Italian , on frogs with a Frenchman , or on horse-flesh with a Tartar , ’ and then leads into a discussion which philosophically connects the natural foods of nations with the natural development of man 's society .
6 Whether computerized or on punched-cards or any other system , an index is only as good as its initial design and its indexers .
7 Incidentally , although a level of ability is required for the full-time course and potential students are assessed either playing in person or on cassette , ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels are not pre-entry requirements , and ( although a useful personal asset ) neither is the ability to read music .
8 This points to shifting the emphasis away from direct tax on people 's incomes and on to taxes on wealth or on spending .
9 Private squabbles which motivate one party to advertise the defects of an opponent in handbills , hoardings or on subway walls can always be dealt with by bind-over orders , and sometimes by prosecutions for criminal damage or indecent displays .
10 Cages may be held on wall-mounted racks , allowing easy floor cleaning and the recapture of escaped animals , or on trolleys designed for the purpose .
11 Where the price is based on net asset value or on earnings , the appropriate value is normally determined by accounts prepared as at completion or such other effective transfer date as the parties have chosen and subsequently agreed by the purchaser and vendor through their accountants .
12 ‘ That will depend on how clever my questioning is and on how frightened she can be made to feel either for herself or on Wheeler 's behalf . ’
13 ‘ Being like an outsider to the group — or on onlooker — a lot of time the music is already written …
14 ‘ Being like an outsider to the group — or on onlooker — a lot of time the music is already written …
15 3 Stock should be arranged neatly in drawers or on shelves 5 When goods have been taken out ( eg to be shown to a customer ) they should be returned to their correct storage place .
16 In fact , if there is an un-carpeted area , real water can be used in the play sink or a bowl , and ‘ meals ’ can be followed by real washing up , sorting and restacking in cupboards or on shelves .
17 Very small things like pebbles , marbles , polished beach stones , old buttons and so on , can be put into large glass goblets or jars and displayed on window ledges ( against the light ) or on shelves .
18 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
19 As the three important conditions ( see above ) vary , he must be ready to buy extra stock , top pastures with a mower to prevent the grass from growing to stem and seed and to encourage the nutritious leafy portion , make hay , or on occasion buy in oil cake or other succulent feed to keep his animals going steadily ahead .
20 This is not the most Basque part of the Basque country because it is too built-up and , in the case of Biarritz , too chic ; but everyone should go at least to Saint-Jean-de-Luz , emphatically a Basque town and still in living touch with the ocean of which , as fishermen or on occasion as pirates , the Basques were for long leading citizens .
21 Can you confidently speak in a range of different situations , such as on the telephone , while dictating or on video film , and move easily from one to another ?
22 But let me warn you : it is not easy to watch a programme on television or a film in the cinema or on video for a reason other than the one it is being put out for .
23 The two classes can send each other messages ( in code if needs be , written , on audiotape or on video ) and perhaps send small advance parties to the other world prior to meeting in the hall — which would signify the arrival of both groups on the " New World " .
24 Did you see it at the cinema or on video ?
25 Promotions of products advertised by the media or on TV
26 the news weeklies , Science magazine , or on TV .
27 It is an audience that is incredibly hungry for those kind of images , those representations of their lives depicted in cinema or on TV .
28 As regards offers , at any one time we would have over 1000 offers available in-store ; these change on a weekly basis and it would be almost impossible to give advance notice to all staff ; we do of course highlight them in-store to customers and many are advertised in the national press or on TV so that customers [ and potential customers ] may be attracted to shop in JS branches .
29 The first task of the researcher is to locate his records and to check whether or not they are more easily available in print or on microfilm .
30 Whooper Swans are most usually seen in the permanent grasslands of the river valleys and levels or on reservoirs and estuaries .
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