Example sentences of "[coord] it too " in BNC.

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1 If Airbus pulls out , McDonnell-Douglas may still survive , or it too may pull out of the industry , leaving Boeing the sole producer without fear of competition .
2 A similar romantic nationalist tradition was also developing in Russia and it too seems to have influenced Marx .
3 However , the tumour was not entirely destroyed , and it too recovered .
4 The Farrier and Naturalist had also been founded in 1828 and it too was critical of the College , but its style was one of personal attack on Coleman .
5 He smiles at the reflection in the mirror and it too adopts the smile that says nothing .
6 That is Chatham Island , and it too has an airfield .
7 But then ‘ One ought to look after one 's parents ’ derives , like ‘ Look before you leap ’ , from a general decision following the same procedures as his particular decisions , and it too can claim no stronger authority .
8 Carew Cheriton was another Coastal station in the same area and it too has a commemorative plaque , although in the village hall rather than the church .
9 It was lit by hurricane lamps , and it too was roped off and had another ‘ No Entry ’ sign .
10 It too is separated from the main island by a very similar chasm — which has n't been bridged — and it too has a large puffin colony .
11 Neither the authorship nor the commission were known to Sotheby 's then , and it too had a similarly low estimate .
12 The challenge of the 1970s , then , had its precedents ; and it too failed to prove the necessary demise of the state as the dominant actor , at any rate in the immediate future .
13 This was the ancestor of the most successful group of all these shelled worms , the molluscs , and it too has a living representative , a tiny organism called Neopilina , which was dredged up in 1952 from the depths of the Pacific .
14 What it lacks in aim , it makes up for with persistence and it too usually manages to break open one of the eggs .
15 Bread and Fruit Dish also existed in an earlier version ; and it too began life as a figure piece .
16 I threw away the guava core , and it too was torn to pieces by the children .
17 Urban politics itself is also a substantial subject and it too has received wide-ranging and systematic attention .
18 Oblige , like force , evokes more than merely producing an effect and it too is followed by the to infinitive : ( 164 ) … servants , whom he had obliged to accompany him .
19 Three days later another London from 240 Squadron had a running fight with a Do 18 and it too arrived back safely .
20 Three weeks ago , the 102nd Airborne Division , Russian-trained and regarded as a crack unit , was rushed from its base at Asmara to the front line , but it too has been mauled by the rebels , who swept through the mountains flanking the main road , capturing all the towns as far as Woldiya .
21 On one level the Republic often criticises the northern security forces , but it too relies on the RUC : the Garda co-operate with the northern police force and do not , as a matter of policy , deal with either the Army or the UDR .
22 But it too carries a heavy moral message .
23 Not only is colostrum known to be extremely nutritious but it too has special protective properties against illness .
24 But it too is a close-up showing only head and shoulders , with Todd gazing straight at the camera .
25 Like the thought of Schleiermacher , Liberal Theology has its own coherence , attractiveness and plausibility ; but it too is open to damaging critical questions from several angles .
26 But it too uses passive tests most frequently when it is studying female subjects .
27 Like the GMC 's recommendations the deans ' suggestion may seem superficially attractive , but it too lacks any semblance of realism about how it might be implemented .
28 Jean- Luc Viala , the Benedict , has a lighter voice than Robert Tear , but it too sounds younger , rather more spry and engagingly nonchalant .
29 But it too is a compensatory move which is sometimes made .
30 But it too manages to find its way down to southern Africa .
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