Example sentences of "[coord] it was " in BNC.

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1 just now , for instance , I could not sit & do nothing , since that only irritates my brain ; & it was then only my pipe that enabled me comfortably to read Rousseau 's ‘ Julie ; or the New Heloise ’ .
2 Or it was the Labrador 's hairbrush , ’ Catherine Crane offered demurely , and McLeish burst out laughing , glancing admiringly sideways at her .
3 Either they wanted to frighten him , or it was a joke .
4 New Scientist began by printing an article that stated that the country had better start acting youthfully or it was doomed to become a developing nation , thus posing the problem of how to become developing from being developed .
5 Either it was neutral — all purposes — and a guaranteed damper on a special outfit ; or it was fun — zany — and over-the-top for everyday .
6 ‘ The brief as far as I was concerned was not to imitate a dancehall record , not to try and pretend it came from Gussie 's Music Works or it was a Firehouse Crew production or something .
7 Either they were very careless or it was a singularly destructive campaign , but there is only one copy known , in the British ( Museum ) Library .
8 They have n't received your invoice or statement because it was n't sent or it was sent to the wrong address .
9 Either it was the brandy or it was the heat , but she went out like a light .
10 Either there was no helium or it was too faint to detect with the equipment then available .
11 Either that Sardinian 's being there was coincidence or it was n't — and , for goodness ' sake , if it was n't —
12 In the eighteenth century the scales of justice could be tilted in favour of a relative or friend , or it was feared that this was the case , unless strong interest was made in behalf of a litigant in order to ensure equity .
13 And it 's obviously that one was n't , just did n't want it or it was dead or something and they just left it .
14 And if you did n't want to do national curriculum levels or it was n't appropriate then you could continue your staff comment now or you could draw a wee picture there or something like that , you know ?
15 Now that would do , that would do whether the , whether the knuckles were hurt or it was just a minor cut in the palm of the hand there , that would do and you can use the same type of bandage on the foot alright , so that 's if the hand was damaged , now supposing we did n't have the hand damaged , but we had instead a cut up here , okay , again clean it and if you clean it with lots of water always remember to dry off around the wound because bugs love a moist skin to grow in , dry the wound before you apply the dressing okay if you can , dry it off the best you can and then you 're going to place that over the cut , remember you want the pad to be long enough , big enough , okay , now she can hold this for you again , she can hold it above where the wound is and now when you bandage this one you always bandage from the narrow part to the fat part of the limb , you always bandage from the narrow to the fat , so you take the bandage down
16 Or it was just some seventeenth-century Dutch hippie paid to sit still for a few weeks in a dark robe in a cold studio .
17 It was too dark and he was too afraid , or his conscience troubled him , or it was a combination of the two and so he hung back .
18 Predicating a theme involves using an it-structure ( also called a cleft structure ) to place an element near the beginning of the clause , as in It was the book that received a great deal of publicity in China , it was a great deal of publicity that the book received in China , or It was in China that the book received a great deal of publicity .
19 Either it was or it was n't .
20 Or it was n't a sadness that hurt , not an all-through one .
21 ‘ Like , maybe your parents were just fattening you up until you would make a decent meal for these dragons , or it was an intelligence test ; the kids smart enough to have sussed out the fact there were dragons around were the ones that would survive , and the ones that just lay there , trusting , each night , deserved to die , and their parents could n't tell them or the dragons would eat them , and stories about dragons were the only clues you were ever given ; that was all the adults could do to warn you …
22 Or it was .
23 It was like falling into a black well , where you knew there would never be light , or it was like being cast adrift on a night ocean when you knew no ships would ever pass .
24 ’ That 's me , ’ I said ’ or it was ’ .
25 She was a local farmer 's wife and she went on to be our first member of Parliament and me brother was helping her and mum and dad , you see , was working for the , we , we got the house as a committee room and all , all the and I can remember going with mother , we had , we had a Co-op paper or it was Co-op orientated I 'm sure news and I can remembering canvassing Walsall Wood with me mother , well I ca n't see my Guild members doing that .
26 From now on ‘ Laura Ashley ’ was Welsh or it was nothing .
27 It was either Paris or it was the Côte d'Azur .
28 You see or it was .
29 Or it was n't completely his fault .
30 Or it was just the wiring .
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