Example sentences of "[coord] not we " in BNC.

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1 Whether or not we perceive an event in the world around us depends on three things .
2 Even more strikingly , the ERP will vary according to whether or not we are selectively attending to it .
3 What are the signs that tell us whether or not we are making genuine progress in a particular area of study ?
4 John Davidson , the secretary of the committee , explained : ‘ We 've got some fixed dates in the diary , but we do n't always operate to those because it depends whether or not we 've got enough cases . ’
5 Whether or not we will shortly have a passive computer lobby , it certainly gives a new meaning to the hacking cough .
6 Whether or not we accept Eliot 's note that the title of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ draws on both Kipling 's ‘ The Broken Men ’ and Morris 's ‘ The Hollow Land ’ , there is little doubt that this ‘ valley of dying stars ’ is not so far from the landscapes of Victorian romanticism .
7 Whether we are purely material or not we can not know ; but being so would not be inconsistent with immortality , and we have the guarantee of revelation that we are , in fact , immortal .
8 This is the fashionable contemporary view ; but the fact remains that such children , whether or not we regard them as monsters , did exist .
9 In the first chapter we looked at notions of timely and untimely grief and we saw that although the reaction to loss is the same whether or not we are expecting someone to die , the way it will be expressed does very much depend on whether it is something we might expect .
10 Thus if there is a geographical barrier , so that the two populations never meet , it becomes an arbitrary matter whether or not we group the populations into a single species .
11 Indeed , it will decide whether or not we continue to have a NHS of the kind that the British people want .
12 Whether or not we accept the particular characterization offered by opponent-process theory , it seems that conditioned suppression training is likely to involve more than the formation of a CS-shock association .
13 ‘ Really , it was a game in which I made the rules : always being the one to decide whether or not we 'd make love when we met .
14 But , unlike them , it seems , Dickinson cherished in matters sexual , as in much else , an ambiguity which , for Bennett , is one of her greatest strengths : ‘ For it allows us to identify with the speaker 's feelings , whether or not we share their cause … .
15 Carson Buchanan , Alf Jacobson and I held a meeting to discuss the situation ; the question was whether or not we should pull in our horns and try to placate the commercial stations and the politicians whom they had influenced .
16 Conscious or not we compete with them , as well as among ourselves , to survive .
17 Whether or not we ever find out the precise source of the metals , analyses have shown that these early casters in West Africa had a considerable technical knowledge and expertise .
18 Whether or not we have firmly held beliefs about what happens after death , we can still be terribly afraid .
19 As well as our family history , sex and age , we must also consider how physically active we are , the amount of stress we have to endure , whether or not we smoke , what we eat and , very importantly , whether or not we are overweight .
20 As well as our family history , sex and age , we must also consider how physically active we are , the amount of stress we have to endure , whether or not we smoke , what we eat and , very importantly , whether or not we are overweight .
21 Whether or not we have a right old barney depends on how it is handled .
22 He recognizes also that whether we like it or not we are ‘ caught up in the conflagration of Hi sā . ’
23 Whether or not we are aware of it , we all have beliefs about the nature of life , people , relationships , health , work , money , success , pleasure , the world and ourselves — and these beliefs form the basis of the reality we create .
24 The central question , then , is not whether or not we should tolerate the rules and conventions , the systems of thought , the preconceptions that regulate enquiry and instruction — for if our enterprise is to have any significance at all we have to — but which rules , conventions , and preconceptions are likely to offer us the most relevant and reliable set of bearings for our work , and how we are to use them so that we can allow for their modification , or even their complete replacement , when new insights and experiences need to be accommodated .
25 The challenge that many of us face today is that we have a choice — whether or not we go out to work , how much domestic machinery we use , how much we involve the rest of the family in housework , whether or not we employ someone else to do the cleaning , how many take-away meals are put on the table , and so on .
26 The challenge that many of us face today is that we have a choice — whether or not we go out to work , how much domestic machinery we use , how much we involve the rest of the family in housework , whether or not we employ someone else to do the cleaning , how many take-away meals are put on the table , and so on .
27 Our facial expressions , our hand gestures , the way we hold our arms and body , and whether or not we make eye contact — all of these give out messages , sometimes to supplement our voices and sometimes instead of them .
28 Whether he carried out the instructions correctly or not we do not know , but the next morning the block had disappeared , vaporised , and part of the fume cupboard housing the experiment and the floor nearby had been destroyed .
29 Whether or not we are prepared to accept that the Neanderthals had an advanced but abstract civilization , we are left with a question : what sort of civilization did the Neanderthals have ?
30 ‘ Whether we like it or not we have to play and there 's no point in playing half-heartedly — particularly against a team managed by Dave Bassett ! ’
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