Example sentences of "[coord] be that " in BNC.

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1 One young woman , Lucy , told how sad she felt that her mother had very low self-esteem , believed she was unattractive and overweight — even said once that there was nothing she could do or be that Lucy and her sisters ‘ could n't do or be better ’ , which made Lucy feel envied and forced into competition with her mother , when she did n't want to be .
2 That it does not , requires a different interpretation , and one has been offered by other Eastern European workers , notably by Sokolov ( e.g. 1963 ) , who suggested that the functional significance of the OR is that it facilitates the uptake and processing of environmental information .
3 ( Has anyone recently considered funding higher education properly , or is that one of those outmoded delusions from the seventies , like flares , peace or mushrooms ? )
4 Rod , is that national curriculum levels or is that staff comment after course outline just there ?
5 ‘ Hey , did you say something about buying me some lunch , or is that just an approach to win a girl 's confidence ? ’
6 ‘ Is that a good idea , or is that not how they do things , either ? ’
7 ‘ Leave my things alone , or is that how you get your thrills , pawing women 's underclothes ? ’
8 Or is that another question you think Heather might not want you to answer ? ’
9 With the Omni SQL Gateway that er you 'll be be able to access D B two data is that still going through the Open SQL Server or is that actually going D R D A or are there plans to go D R D A compliant ?
10 Or is that fear ? ’
11 Is it when the purchaser puts his money in or is that merely an offer which the machine accepts ?
12 Next I ask myself , does one congratulate oneself on getting married or not ? — or is that left for everyone else to do ?
13 ‘ D' you think I might have a cup of coffee or is that reserved for the police force ? ’
14 Then , a bit more politely : ‘ Or is that a subtle hint that you really believe it was an accident ? ’
15 We have heard of waterless embalming , well , who in the name of goodness has ever done it ? — or is that a ploy for producers to sell more fluid or that in , for example , 16 oz they will use 3 or 4 types of fluid which interact and work as one .
16 Mr Davis , can you , would you like to sum up , and pick up these points , and before , I 'm going to bowl you a googly here , erm you have talked about fourteen hundred , as the size for the new settlement , erm , is that the top figure , or is that a figure to which you might aim by the year two thousand and six , but may have potential for growth beyond it .
17 ought to be said really , since Alan is not here and is erm is resigning , well perhaps that could come a little later on because I think both Joan and Alan er there should be some record other than this about the work they have put in for the Society er I mean the only idea I have , I do n't know how much of a a precedent this is , whether , whether anybody should be offered life membership of the the society or is that only for do you have to reach a certain age
18 No amount of money would have stopped them , or is that if there was Laura Ashley on the walls they would n't bother spraying it ?
19 advertisement , and do they actually sit down in an interview or is that simply the way that the advertisement is projected
20 ‘ Can we all talk about the future of the family business , or is that some taboo subject never to be discussed at mealtimes ? ’
21 However or is that a damn crying shame however or is that a damn crying shame terrible you know what you need to do for now then , now I 've won all
22 However or is that a damn crying shame however or is that a damn crying shame terrible you know what you need to do for now then , now I 've won all
23 did you think you knew someone or is that the one that you saw ?
24 Is it , is it or is that the one you said that
25 Is that the problem , or is that the success , that the Monkees just appeal to everyone ?
26 Had he really said that he would share her with the whole of Fighter Command , or was that an erotic fantasy born of her own desire ?
27 Were you speaking to about another ghost story or was that the one ?
28 I believe what you believe , that God came down to Mary , who was a virgin , in the form of a dove — or was that to her mother , so that Mary could get pregnant and be an immaculate conception , which had to happen on account of how sex is so polluting , and give birth to Jesus ?
29 Tell me something ; were you always prepared to sleep with me to get the jade , or was that a ploy to throw me off the scent when I was getting too close ? ’
30 ‘ Thank you , that was very good of you , ’ she murmured politely , but , feeling intimidated suddenly — or was that her guilty conscience again at work , she got to her feet and handed him the proof that she was who she said she was .
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