Example sentences of "[coord] while i " in BNC.

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1 EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion , and while I agree with Joe Hyam 's concerning service charges ( Caterer , 15–21 August ) , I feel he is taking unfair advantage of his position to have a go at people who do not do things the ‘ Joe Hyam ’ way .
2 My inclination to reject law as a possible course was incomprehensible to many , and while I was waiting to go to university I was constantly challenged about this .
3 I pulled up outside Tremayne 's house and while I put on my socks again she said she would come in for a while for company , ‘ to cure the trembles ’ .
4 And while I 'm on my way all our operatives in Germany hit the streets — with copies of Tweed 's photo , and Grey 's .
5 This excited me and while I was being photographed and having my particulars taken — ‘ Hairs : black …
6 Having an excellent harbour , Vancouver was a sportsman 's paradise so far as swimming , fishing , and boating were concerned , and while I have never claimed prowess in the water or in angling I have found pleasure on a boat , provided that boat was big enough — big enough that is , for me to sit comfortably on deck , preferably with a drink in hand , and watch the world go by .
7 Hellen , Wally and Oscar were producing films all over Canada and while I was enjoying the hospitality of Shelly Films I was also enjoying the pleasant company of Hellen Semmens .
8 I called in to see Dad before coming here and while I was there an insurance investigator called Tom O'Neill came to see him .
9 It was from here , I reflected , looking through the windows at a small scattered town , that the despatcher had spoken to George and me the previous evening : and while I watched , George appeared outside and was met by a man who came from the station .
10 And while I paint other subjects : figure , still life and landscape , I continue to love the theme of the city at night .
11 Amateurs are allowed to compete in these events , too , and while I was trying hard to push for more birdies , the amateurs would be content with 2 or 3-under-par .
12 And while I like using acoustic guitars , I 'm not a great fan of clean electric guitars , and most of the sounds on the new LP are really dirty .
13 Mine suffered from a lack of treble , and while I was n't disappointed overall , I did wonder a bit .
14 ‘ Put mine there too , ’ she said , ‘ and while I 'm about it , anyone who would like to join our Amateur Dramatics Group is very welcome .
15 There have been times when I felt that our family was disintegrating , and while I know that more than one in three marriages fails , that does not make watching your own children admit their unhappiness any easier for them or for you .
16 Our discussions ranged through the whole spectrum of life , from the sublime to the trivial , and while I do not now remember many of the conclusions that we reached then , the quality of that communication is still with me .
17 My parents came to stay , and while I was out , my father , a great reader , browsed for a while , and then selected a book from the top shelf .
18 Under the bishop 's plan he and I were to change places , and while I was on furlough he was to keep both jobs going , and I would do the same on my return .
19 I went down to put the kettle on and while I was doing so in walked Albert .
20 When it came to the interview he was somewhat nervous and on the defensive ( not being an old hand at it ) , and while I did my best to make him feel at ease , I felt it incumbent to put questions about the Roman Catholic Church 's teachings on divorce , homosexuality , abortion , celibacy , etc. , the answers to which I believed would be of interest to Catholics and non-Catholics alike .
21 I had known Willie since childhood days at Nairn , Geoffrey I had come to know later ; and while I greatly admired them both , and still do , I found this closing of establishment ranks deeply shocking .
22 And while I paint other subjects : figure , still life and landscape , I continue to love the theme of the city at night .
23 And while I adored them both , I was closer to her ladyship .
24 So I pulled to the side and I had n't changed a tyre for a long time , but I got the jack out of the back and started to jack the car up , and while I was doing it , these two ladies went , ‘ Ah , it 's Sting ’ .
25 And while I 'm not his hugest fan , I 'm certainly an admirer and this storming , bleeping , lost-in-house noise has plenty to admire about it .
26 It does strike us as unusual and while I 'm obviously aware of some of the individuals who are bidding , I do n't know their motives …
27 Finally it was put to the vote , and while I can not recall the actual figures it was something like forty in favour of the UK proposal , about thirty abstentions and just one ( Bulgaria ! ) against .
28 The accelerator cable broke in the middle of nowhere so we had to tie some string to it and while I drove , my girlfriend pulled on the string .
29 It is a poor leader who does not know his opposite numbers , and while I do not go to the extent of General Montgomery in the desert with a picture of my primary competitors hanging on the wall of my office , I know them all , and have a healthy respect for them .
30 And while I am not so naive as to thing that they have the time or the motivation to sample every title on the Whitbread short list , a good number of these men think they ought to .
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