Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] become " in BNC.

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1 He beleive the newer , longer version of the Hercules may become unstable when the back doors are opened to make a drop .
2 After the second amendment was ratified in April 1978 , this process was speeded up because the concept of an official gold price was abandoned ( the final step in eliminating gold from its central role in the Fund as a standard of value ) , the Fund 's own unit of account became the SDR and members agreed that the SDR should become the principal reserve asset of the international monetary system .
3 They feared lest Germany should become a socialist state and the revolution spread to France and Britain .
4 A preliminary meeting in Manchester in October 1853 got the support of the BFASS committee ; when an inaugural gathering was held Sturge and Thompson spoke from the same platform and it was resolved that the Manchester Anti-Slavery Union should become an auxiliary of the BFASS .
5 Mrs Povah should become actively involved and they should jointly draw the £1,000 a month quoted .
6 The Bishop of Winchester then stated that the peers had unanimously agreed that Prince Edward should become king ‘ if the people would accept this decision of the prelates and magnates ’ .
7 On 14 December 1955 Fisher repeated his recommendation to Anthony Eden that Ramsey should become the Bishop of London .
8 Instead I consoled myself that Ellen would be pleased , and a pleased Ellen might become my shipmate all the way around the world , so really , I told myself , I was not doing this for the senator 's happiness , and not even for the twins , but for my own , and so I shook the senator 's hand .
9 Maybe Zohra could become one as well .
10 Museveni also announced that First Deputy Prime Minister Eriya Kategaya would become National Political Commissar , replacing Kiiza Besigye .
11 The Burmese had appeared content with the constitutional timetable until Mountbatten 's announcement that India and Pakistan would become independent — as Dominions — in mid-August .
12 The resulting redrawing of constituency boundaries meant that French-speakers living in the suburbs of Brussels would become part of the Flemish province of Brabant surrounding Brussels and would thus lose the right to vote French speakers into the regional parliaments .
13 In mid-1988 the PTT Ministry became the PTE ( 'E' for space — ‘ espace ’ ) Ministry and its Minister , Paul Quiles , announced that France Télécom would become the majority shareholder in TDF .
14 These are the hairs that appear to cause the allergic response in human sufferers , so it looked as if the Rex would become the ideal breed for such people to own .
15 Northamptonshire will become the first official touring team to play in South Africa when their pre-season tour starts in Natal on March 24 .
16 This means that the main body of the national collection still has no permanent home and it may well be that the Casina delle Civette will become a more specialised museum of Art Nouveau glass , the Villino Boncompagni will house the twentieth-century items and another site will be found for the remaining collections .
17 Because of the recent reorganisation of the management of the infantry , which saw the headquarters of the Scottish infantry division remaining at Edinburgh Castle , Brigadier Scott will become a ‘ two star ’ Major General rather than a ‘ three star ’ Lt Gen , as has been customary in the past with the GOC Scotland .
18 Sgt Ellery will become part of a back-up team that supports officers guarding all the royals .
19 They fear Taiwan will become like Hong Kong , whose stock exchange oscillates every time Beijing clears its throat .
20 WP So you do not think that Hungary will become one more cog in the greedy progress of capitalism ?
21 The government of the Republic of Hungary will become the first East European administration to adopt an open system strategy across the board , saying it intends to use X/Open Group Co Ltd 's XPG brand in procurement and is to join X/Open 's user council : a government action plan on information technology has been put togther with the assistance of the European Commission and individual national governments within the EEC .
22 Saturday will become meaningless , the weekend will become meaningless , life will … ’
23 Brig Gael Ramsey will become Garrison Commander of Aldershot as part of her new job as Commander , Headquarters , Aldershot area .
24 My daughters will start a good school , and Haworth will become famous .
25 But there is growing sentiment that , once these areas are ironed out , Tencel can become a big player in the better home furnishings and apparel markets .
26 At times Ceauşescu almost seemed to suggest that Romania might become an informal ally of the United States .
27 There were always some in the State Department who thought the policy might be pushed a little further : who thought that a unified Germany might become a big partner for America in the same way as is ( say some ) Japan .
28 However , when these bacteria persist in the presence of NSAID , it has been suggested that the damaging effects of NSAID may become intensified .
29 THE ADVANTAGES of living in Ireland may become more apparent next week .
30 The queen mother 's religious views and those of the French advisers she gathered around her did little to allay the reformers ' fears ; nor would they have been happy to know that on Mary 's marriage in 1558 to the Dauphin , who the following year became King Francis II , she secretly signed an agreement that if she should die childless her kingdom of Scotland and her claim to the throne of England should become her husband 's .
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