Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these were admittedly men with a local following , but others , like Baudinus at Tours , Flavius at Chalon , Badegisel at Le Mans , Licerius at Arles and Charimer at Verdun were royal servants with no known connection with their sees .
2 Madeleine and Philip Cunningham were married in 1961 and have three children .
3 Patronizing Pat Farrel , knowing , surely , that he and the Ryans were close relatives on both sides .
4 The fact that the Ryans were wealthy farmers made no difference .
5 For , while Léopold Senghor and Houphouet-Boigny were able to communicate with their political colleagues in Paris , they had nevertheless not forgotten how to communicate with their own people .
6 Wings Pieter Hendriks and James Small were devastating and there was an air of control throughout .
7 In recent years , former President Valery Giscard d'Estaing and President Franois Mitterrand were able to establish French leadership in the European Community because the separation of East and West had restricted German initiatives and recalled German guilt .
8 He alleged that both he and Gotti were present at the murder of former Gambino family boss , " Big Paul " Castellano and his bodyguard on Dec. 16 , 1985 , in Manhattan .
9 Marx and Engels were convinced that the capitalist mode of production , even without ruling class policy , systematically engenders false perceptions amongst the individuals within specific class locations .
10 Marx and Engels were concerned with the emergence and development of capitalist relations of production and with the crises occasioned by the contradictions inherent in capitalist property relations and political rights .
11 Marx and Engels were interested in primitive cultures because they wanted to construct a general history and theory of society in order to explain the coming to be of capitalism .
12 Desperate for players , Athletico were willing to take a chance with Proby and his fiery temper .
13 At dinner that evening , Rose and Dora were full of their ‘ projects ’ and the appointments arranged for the following morning .
14 Monday and Tuesday were quiet but Wednesday saw trouble again .
15 The meeting approved the creation of a US$10,000 million development fund for Arab countries which had supported the coalition in the Gulf war and which had suffered economic damage from the war ; Egypt and Syria were likely to be the main beneficiaries .
16 All the weapons that Britain and Argentina used in the Falklands were tactical : warships , aircraft , guns , missiles .
17 By the time I got up the next morning , I had determined to sell the baker 's shop to the highest bidder unless Charlie Trumper were willing to take on the responsibility himself .
18 so embedded now in English cricket folklore : the lost teeth at Taunton in '74 when Andy Roberts bounced him ( ‘ my first big break ’ ) , his dark months of Test captaincy , Headingley '81 , when he decided to have some fun and whacked 149 not out ( ‘ soon the depression lifted ’ ) , Hollywood ( ‘ nice little diversion ’ ) , the accusations of misbehaviour off the field ( ‘ ridiculous ’ , ‘ farcical ’ , ‘ part of the learning process ’ ) , thoughts on the World Cup ( ‘ Pakistan were lucky to get to the final ’ ) , the Somerset break-up .
19 Myra always said Geminis were good with ideas , and if this one worked it could solve her immediate problems .
20 Claudia sighed ; Geminis were dual characters , and being twins made it even worse .
21 Tommy McDonald and Ken de Mange were unlucky with shots — the first being well saved by Keeley and the second sliding outside the post .
22 Further trials against eight other associates of Winnie Mandela were pending .
23 Judging from the Relación de Michoacán , the Purépecha were obsessed by the need to collect wood , primarily for ceremonial bonfires , but also for the production of beams , boards and other lumber .
24 Pechstein and Jewish architect Erich Mendelsohn were active later in the Novembergruppe .
25 Less than one month after she and David were married , and knowing that he himself would never have the courage to ask , Beth had gone to Luther Reynolds with a certain proposition .
26 Before she and David were married , Beth had secured his promise that he would never probe into her past , and would not pester her with regard to young Richard 's father .
27 Despite his account of these miraculous events , the problems facing Gregory were immediate and considerable .
28 In the story , Cain and Abel were supposed to be the sons of Adam and Eve .
29 On Christmas Day 1620 , Kit and Rebecca were married by the parson , in the churchyard of St Blaise , as the church itself was still under construction .
30 All five LEAs were inner city areas , where the average educational attainment for every ethnic group is lower than the national average .
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