Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Colchester clothiers had indicated their intention of prosecuting weavers who did not return the " thrums " , the web ends left in the loom after the cloth had been removed .
2 The Hawthorne researchers argued that this does not necessarily follow .
3 The Hawthorne researchers stressed the pressure that groups can bring to bear on members to conform to common norms .
4 Until the opening of the Marlborough galleries had tended to treat artists in a patronising way , as underlings .
5 But the consignor , had to settle for the $750,000 ( £468,750 ) Berry-Hill Galleries paid this time .
6 The San Francisco Giants beat Chicago Cubs in the National League Championship play-off to join Oakland Athletics , American League conquerors of Toronto Blue Jays , in baseball 's World Series .
7 From slang to puns to points of conflict , the end result is something like homeboy fashion meets voodoo charm and , back in ‘ 88 , the LA Times gave her a fitting nickname , ‘ East LA 's Ambassador Of Culture ’ .
8 From the opening , during the cold New York winter of 1967 , the queues extending round the block outside Manhattan cinemas consisted mostly of young people hugging themselves and each other , and stamping their feet to keep warm , full of the expectation of seeing a movie that addressed them and their problems .
9 On Dec. 16 the Netherlands authorities expelled 43 Russian Jews and put them on an aeroplane to Israel after their applications for asylum were turned down ; a further nine were expelled on Dec. 23 .
10 Walpole-Bond noted that few of the early historians of Sussex birds recorded the Redshank as a breeding species , and that there was a marked increase and spread from about 1900 .
11 Certainly there is plenty in the literature about using cobalt-60 sources for sterilisation and DoE researchers found that spent reactor fuel rods did the job quite effectively ..
12 The Nez Perce scouts taunted Howard from the far bank of the river .
13 On 13th September , the Nez Perce scouts flourished their red blankets to warn of the approach of Sturgis , who had marched sixty miles the previous day .
14 In August 1858 , Nez Perce scouts accompanied the punitive expedition of General George Wright , who ruthlessly subdued the tribes of the upper Columbia , hanging prisoners on the spot .
15 There is little to suggest to us that the housing or goods of Sussex labourers varied much from those of their late medieval predecessors .
16 However , the WO statisticians said this county practice of estimating higher than the ‘ base estimate ’ population growth did not add up — there simply will not be enough people to reach the higher estimates , even with the historically high levels of inward migration being predicted .
17 The answer which fell within an ethical framework was the duty solicitor scheme , as the Cardiff solicitors explained :
18 But by the end of the fourth race , 5 Cradley riders had fallen .
19 Very few Account Executives ( AEs ) at DPR Futures knew anything beyond the most basic facts about futures .
20 One new salesman at DPR Futures proved so ineffectual and lethargic that his colleagues found it comical to teach him wide techniques .
21 Jim Almonds leaped off his truck and set up a bren , but Lewes stayed where he was .
22 Jim Almonds had become separated from the rest and was taken prisoner .
23 A statement by the human rights organization Amnesty International on Feb. 5 said that the recent trials of Tiananmen dissidents fell " far short of international standards " .
24 but they did n't explode , so the RAF lads said they were made of macaroni .
25 Acting attorney general Stuart Gerson and FBI director William Sessions declined to identify the man held , named by a TV station as Salama Mohammed , 26 .
26 On Friday 29 January around 150 guests , together with employees from LTS 's Aberdeen and Lincoln offices gathered to witness the official opening of the Company 's new facility at Kirkhill Industrial Estate in Dyce , Aberdeen .
27 Pupils from 16 Colchester schools went to the University of Essex to take part in the 43rd annual Colchester Schools ' Music Festival .
28 The incident happened as Apoel Nicosia fans reacted violently to Mark Glendinning 's early goal for Bangor .
29 In the face of government determination to enforce the February 1911 laws more than eight thousand Aube growers marched through the streets of Bar-sur-Aube carrying on their backs paniers de mannequin ( grape harvesting baskets ) full of tax-forms which they ceremoniously set fire to .
30 Warner Brothers said PWL stepped into the breach and were putting together the songs for the movie , including using several old 50 ’ s classics by Little Richard , Eddie Cochran and all , while Kylie was doing a cover version of ‘ Tears On My Pillow ’ , by Little Anthony and the Imperials , and looking for a Christmas Number One .
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