Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] that " in BNC.

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1 that Friday or that Saturday
2 The wars with republican France and Napoleon lasted for nearly twenty years and although erm er temporary truces and peaces were negotiated , the struggle continued until the overthrow of Napoleon and that was , although it was a , a largely European war , it did have ramifications , it brought Britain , for example , into war with the United States in nin in eighteen twelve .
3 We got a thousand more do a Sainsburys and that 's it .
4 She did n't want to be friends with David Markham and that was that .
5 But they think they can run everything from Detroit and that 's the way the organisation is going to be restructured .
6 I end up staying there for ages , thinking about Marie and that .
7 I do n't do much except look round and think about things — mostly Marie and that .
8 Anne Marie and that girlfriend that she 's going about with today .
9 Nice thought to give honourary life membership for former chairman Michael Hill and that elder statesman of the Press-box , Eric Hill , once Fimblett 's partner at the top of the order .
10 Phillips straight to Hill and that 's a long ball aimed at Ormanroyd Cooper across to cover and you just saw him grimace a little bit again there as he charged in on Ormanroyd .
11 Thomson this is Hill and that 's a disappointing ball straight on to Chettle 's head .
12 ‘ Brother Athelstan , ’ he said testily , ‘ I would remind you that I am the king 's coroner and those two , ’ he gestured in the direction of the Springall house , ‘ Sir Richard and that expensive paramour of his , are guilty of murder ! ’
13 Two , that we do not become wrapped up in the Bureaucratic socialism of Brussels and that true entrepreneur spirit is encouraged between cities .
14 There are members of the European parliament who s s support Strasbourg as a meeting place clearly , but the majority do not , the majority want to meet in a single city and in so doing the majority have accepted that there should be a new European parliament building in Brussels and that European parliament building now operates .
15 in Malton and that 's something
16 Compatibility with Paradox for Windows falters a bit here , though , because the Windows product uses something called ObjectPAL and that 's a very different kettle of worms .
17 Okay , so let me just write that on the back , Monday to Friday and that 's nine to four thirty .
18 I only have a pound left and I was paid on Friday and that is because I bought food and very basic toiletries .
19 She said well , tell Grant , she said he can have a reprieve , she said it 's May the eighth and , and she says , she probably heard me say it was Friday and that 's when I thought it was this Friday , so I had to phone erm the receptionist at daddy 's works , so she was going to pass on the message to daddy just to tell him just to work late as usual , Grant , rather than come in at teatime and then go back to work again .
20 Cos we ca n't , if we 're away on Monday we sha n't be back before Friday and that 'll mean kicking them out .
21 say , oh well we 'll do it a week on Friday and that week on Friday never comes .
22 For example , Jack and Bill Naysmith have already developed an Axminster range for LDP and that will be launched in August .
23 Where did Chantel and that go ?
24 All over the continent and all over the States and that .
25 Its resources erm the contrasts are enormous between the economic and military and cultural and erm educational resources of the United States and that of Fiji so there are obviously , in foreign policy making , vast differences .
26 And if you recall when my Colonel read John plaque it attributes to him er the aid in assisting us at in the establishment of that memorial museum , John gave us a er and sort of took that apart and hauled it over to and it was flown back to the States and that 's going to be a briefing operations room for the museum itself .
27 ‘ I 'm marrying David and that 's all there is to it . ’
28 ‘ They say King James was not killed at Flodden and that corpse belongs to someone who merely looks like him . ’
29 On the other hand , most of the signs are peculiar to Crete and that argues for a local origin .
30 Parlagi said that the new joint venture would be called Unisys Hungary and that initial founding capital would amount to $110,000 .
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