Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] be " in BNC.

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1 Move to Germany or be sacked .
2 The power moves his hand , as if by magnetism , but he forces it back , to touch the phial of Galadriel and be momentarily relieved .
3 " Tell me what you truly wish to do , Sara , " he said gently , " and if you sincerely desire to sail to Portugal and be married , then I 'll not be standing in your way . "
4 But tonight 's objective was to please Richard and be photographed by every goddam paparazzo in London , and that meant colour , the brighter the better .
5 EC Information continues to flood in from UKHREEO and be directed from the Library to relevant RBGE staff .
6 He wanted them to gather last Friday and be absented from their weekend round of Championship matches , but even Albert Ferrasse , the autocratic French Federation president , would not stand for that .
7 There were always plenty of boys ; they might arrive on a Friday and be gone by Monday , but he wanted an enduring relationship too .
8 You can end up losing weight , lowering your BMR and be stuck with maintaining a semi-starvation diet to keep the pounds off .
9 Meet Moonshake , one of the blessed few remaining non-conformist independent groups , at Aldgate and be taken on a guided tour of the Ripper 's murder-sites .
10 I ca n't get there tonight : I 'll probably spend the night in Springfield and be in something like ten tomorrow .
11 How had she come from Murmansk , to have her baby here in England and be near the sailor father ?
12 I mean to live in England and be a Master of Hounds , not a rotten little king of a rotten little country .
13 ‘ You can stay in the lower divisions in England and be out working every night , only to lose what you have when a new face comes in .
14 Miserably , she backed out of the room , not wanting to desert Mrs Browning and be held responsible for her collapse , if collapse there was to be .
15 The branch management computer system will go ‘ live ’ in the East in January and be introduced across the whole Division during the year .
16 Though I suppose you 'd rather go to Scotland and be with your mother . ’
17 In turn , they would receive information from elsewhere in Scotland and be able to call upon the association 's greater muscle to aid their local fights .
18 No one can condemn the murder of a child in Warrington and be equivocal about a similar attempt on our own streets .
19 She thinks of Dulé , for he beckons to her : they will cross the channel to Oualie and be with him , perhaps , as he has asked , the three of them together again , with Roukoubé as well , and Sycorax will recover .
20 The meeting will , again , take place in our Riverside Headquarters in Keynsham and be preceded by drinks at 12.45 and lunch at 13 .
21 Please call him Patrick and be kind to him . ’
22 The hit-squad 's leader had kept below rather than find himself in confrontation with Louis or be seen by his men to be subservient to or afraid of the Latino leader .
23 At a meeting of Warsaw Pact Foreign Ministers held at the invitation of the Czechoslovak government in Prague on March 17 , participants disagreed over whether a united Germany should belong to NATO or be neutral .
24 By the time you read this we will have had the Gift Day and be well on our way with the Camphill Development Project .
25 It sickened her that she could have made love with Tom and be able to remember nothing of it .
26 At first they assumed that he could find a place among the steep woods behind Camserney and be supplied by their good friends Donald and Aileen Gillies at the mill .
27 At last week 's Orbit trade show in Switzerland , Pinnacle was showing off the first in what will be a family of Mbus PDS-3 systems that 'll house Hypersparc and be followed by PDS-10 , Sparcstation 10-compatibles next year .
28 The Channel 5 licence is expected to be awarded in early November and be on air at the latest in 1995 .
29 PETER Lloyd will retire from the chairmanship of insurance broker Lloyd Thompson in November and be replaced by John Lloyd no relation .
30 The shipping line had instructed the captain to lay in cheaper cuts of meat for this voyage , to remove luxury goods from the shops and free postcards from the public rooms ; but the captain largely circumvented such orders , decreeing that this journey should resemble other cruises by the St Louis and be , as far as possible , normal .
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