Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] because " in BNC.

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1 She was an outsider and feared by the wives of the other officers of Camp 3 because her husband was KGB and because his reports could break and crush the career of any man , however senior .
2 The traditional date for the raising was Whit Tuesday but because so many men are required to help , the date was changed to the new fixed Spring Bank Holiday when this replaced the moveable feast of Whitsuntide .
3 Margaret Thorburn , Assistant Secretary , Staff Club ( Scotland ) writes : The tournament got underway on Good Friday but because of the weather that day 's matches were switched to an all-weather pitch at Strathclyde University .
4 He said , Johnny but because you know them I would n't waste
5 Whether because people really did not know how to interpret the revolution in England or because they wanted fairly complete independence and correctly suspected that William was going to exercise much the same overall powers as Charles and James had done , there was a revolt in New York that took some months to suppress and the colonists of Massachusetts at the beginning of the 1690s were no more reconciled to English rule than in the past .
6 I , I worked up to the end of May and because of accrued leave I er I left then .
7 But he 's worked hard to adapt to the pace of things in England and because of that , his skill has suffered a bit .
8 Wales is being given a quite different quota to England and because Cornwall is being included in England for this purpose we are being unfairly treated by Wales ' being generously treated .
9 Standardisation of time was necessary because cancer incidence is rising slowly in the west of Scotland and because prescribing atenolol increased greatly during the period of study ( fig 1 ) .
10 National Certificate Modules are delivered in schools , further education colleges and other approved centres throughout Scotland and because they are separate units in their own right , modules can be taken in a variety of ways to accommodate the circumstances of the individual — full-time , part-time , distance or open-learning or a combination of these .
11 The training packs were finally despatched in December and because they were based on information that had not yet been circulated , they served an information as well as training need .
12 We went camping in Seville , Spain and because I liked to walk about they chained me to their table .
13 It is significant because it affected a wide proportion of the inhabitants of Spain and because the preconditions of its strength persisted until very late .
14 Talks on a fishing agreement with the European Community ( EC ) have been suspended because of the fiery dispute with Spain and because the EC says the quotas are too mean to be worth discussing .
15 they not only lost the services of Ethel but because Mangon stopped booking the Girls , all 160 jobs were lost .
16 Work based in England sometimes includes Scotland but because of the different degree structures anomalous conclusions may be reached when comparisons are suggested .
17 The colonic epithelial cell is probably the major site of metabolism of 5-ASA and because the N-acetyltransferase enzyme is cytosolic , 5-ASA must be taken up into the cell before acetylation .
18 You see , and so we went to oh Inverness , Aberdeen and across to the Isle of Skye , and down the Skye and back across the water to Mallaig you see and er then we stayed one time at Fort William and because I love Scotland , so did he and erm and , and then and all r and then , and another thing , erm , this is before I married erm I went down , oh no , both of us , that 's right , we went down to stay at erm not , not Portsmouth er Southsea er there , there 's a place near there , next door
19 Yeah , yeah and then they 'll be able to stay Joseph and Charlotte will be full time in January they 're allowed to , I think what it is , is , they 're allowed to start when they 're small part time but they 're not allowed to go full time until the term they 're gon na be five in and you see Charlotte will be five in March and because I think that comes before the Easter of the Bank Holiday , erm she 'll be able to start January full time , where you 're supposed to , you know , three years they 'll all be
20 Approaches were then made to Brian Cubbon , the Permanent Under Secretary at the Home Office responsible for criminal matters , with the result that within three weeks of publication the Home Secretary Willie Whitelaw announced to the House of Commons that because of continued unease about the case and after discussions with the Lord Chief Justice , he had ordered the release of Cooper and McMahon from prison .
21 CASSANDRA KING was the last person to be condemned to death in Stamford and because of this her story has become exaggerated .
22 The Bill has the support from Tory MPs like Andrew Rowe and Roger Sims but because of government opposition , is unlikely to survive a second reading on 2 July .
23 Erm and these are the fairly brief er Chairman I think , I am sorry for disappointing Mr because because erm I main properties but erm we are basically I think sort of more or less agreed parties that we actually want this .
24 On May 21 one of the most senior members of the federal Cabinet , Lucien Bouchard , a native of Quebec , resigned as Environment Minister because of the continued opposition to Meech Lake and because of alleged government attempts to dilute the " distinct society " clause .
25 Often there would be some drama : Razia , the loudest and most ebullient of Chaman 's chelas would be wringing her hands and weeping because her new boyfriend had gone off to Ajmer or because Chaman had called her a tart or because her pet goat had gone missing ; she always suspected her neighbours were planning to slaughter it .
26 He said Washington decided against helping the rebels because they refused to hand over General Noriega and because the US doubted their democratic good faith .
27 But anyway the idea is that er the religion was , was suppressed in Ancient Egypt and because it was suppressed there , the people migrators went to the Promised Land , when they found the Promised Land there they stopped and founded a new , a new religious state , which of course is still with us .
28 In 1827 he was sent to Malta but because of his declining health , he returned to England in 1829 .
29 It was a secret that made her even more different , because now that people were saying that she was turning into the dark beauty her mother had been , she knew much more about why men and women made babies , that it was n't because it was a duty to God but because they enjoyed it ; and seeing him in church every week , noticing that his voice was going deep and that her own body was changing too and that they were becoming man and woman made her think about him and long for him more and more : she wanted to have him completely , entirely for herself .
30 In a small number of cases the defendant will have deliberately driven without a licence because he ca n't pass a test ; he is a visitor to Britain and because he has been granted leave to stay , he now requires a licence etc. , i.e. within 12 months for a visitor .
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