Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 Morse goes over the water
2 Murray got over the difficulty by appointing a triumvirate in command : Steward , Constable and Sir Archibald , with the Flower of Chivalry as specific military adviser .
3 Bamberger orbited over Filfla for some time .
4 Covering the sprawled guards constantly , Mortimer hopped over the bodies and continued downwards , his men jabbing the bodies with bayonets to make sure .
5 First on the scene with punk , while NME argued over Supertramp 's ‘ latest waxing ’ !
6 Comparison with the original ring-of-two current stabiliser of Peter Williams ( WW September 1966 ) reveals that V Lakshminarayanan has over simplified the circuit to such an extent that it no longer works as a current stabiliser ( EW + WW July 1991 ) .
7 Has your view of Harlow changed over the years ?
8 Then Holmes bent over the body and began to move it .
9 That is the advantage William has over her .
10 Dalrymple presided over the halcyon days of ‘ c'moan or get aff ’ until his retiral in 1926 , and Dalrymple 's days saw the expansion of the system to 100 miles of track and an annual profit , together with a yearly 300 MILLION passengers , not all on the one tram of course .
11 At Christie 's , Noel Annesley presided over a satisfactory auction with his customary skill , a failing voice enhancing , rather than diminishing , his dry humour which maintained the momentum of the sale .
12 Ma bent over the stove .
13 Three Burgundians therefore met three Scots in a tournament at Stirling presided over by James II , which began with all the appropriate pomp and ceremony , and then acquired all the merits of a punch-up , which the Burgundians duly won three-nil .
14 As the result of lengthy investigations into the Duzme Mustafa revolt , Mehmed Sah was implicated in that affair ; and , Husameddin relates , " Molla Fenari grieved greatly that at the end of the investigations , in the year 832 , Mehmed Sah Efendi passed over the bridge of death together with Candarlizade Ibrahim Pasa and the Grand Vezir Haci Ivaz Pasa . "
15 David winked over Josh 's head .
16 I 'm up to my ears in work here , not least amongst my worries being a meeting at three of Headquarters staff at SHAEF presided over by General Eisenhower himself . ’
17 Kathleen bent over the unconscious patient and sniffed .
18 The jackal as Anubis presided over mummification and was lord and protector of cemeteries .
19 It seemed downright immoral to torment the poor woman with questions now just for the sake of proving the Jaguar 's brakes were faulty or Fanshawe driving over the seventy limit .
20 Scott presided over his own elegant display of stamps and postcards ; while Christine probably had the most vital role of any that morning , for she had been asked to look after Vanity Fair , the visitors from London , and the sealed bids .
21 The salesman and Hank , however , seemed to have reached some agreement and strolled towards the office , where fat old Josh presided over the financing section with the careful rapacity of a born moneylender .
22 Noel Edmonds presides over a launch party in London , but the demo machine does n't function all that well .
23 During their stay the Juan Carlos and Salinas presided over the signature of a five-year treaty of friendship and co-operation in the context of which Spain was to provide aid to Mexico of 4,400 million pesetas ( about US$40,000,000 at current exchange rates ) over five years in the form of credits and investment in the private sector .
24 As acting President Frederick Gilby presided over the BDDA 's first post-war Congress , held in Glasgow in 1920 , where Ernest Ayliffe was elected as the next President of the Association .
25 Frankie peered over the top of his comic , unable to resist the temptation to join in .
26 DG has over the last three to four years put a good deal of energy into reducing that cost base , but now , even with a quarterly breakeven level reduced to $270m from $350m , the company is struggling to make ends meet .
27 Dennis presides over the walled garden , which supplies the kitchens at Highgrove and Kensington Palace and grows all the weird and wonderful varieties that the Prince acquires and delights in surprising his guests with .
28 Before long , Knocknarea towered over me in escarpments of sheer rock , with grassland visible high in the sky .
29 Mairi was still shrieking and striking at Luch while Master Beaton bent over the bed .
30 Hawkins bent over the slave and examined the padlock .
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