Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 The story of how the convalescent David Stirling got his proposal into the hands of General Auchinleck was told to the journalist Virginia Cowles in 1958 , and is based on Stirling 's memory of events not too long after they occurred .
2 At the same time as he was working on individual buildings , King produced his lists of all the castles in Wales and the Marches , as well as more detailed papers on the counties of Breconshire and Cardiganshire .
3 Then , King fought his way through a mob of well-wishers eager to shake his hand or receive a nod of acknowledgement .
4 If the ropes do jam then please remember that the great Giusto Gervasutti met his death during just such a retrieval operation .
5 Sir Edmond made his will on 20th March the following year , exactly a month before his death .
6 Doyle made his way through the crowded , smoky billiard hall , towards the bar at the end , where he could see Bodie nonchalantly sipping a coke .
7 Then Yorkshire mounted a 49th-minute attack and , aided by a deflection , Robert Ward got his shot home at the second attempt .
8 As the elevator ascended Newman made his flat statement .
9 Within a few months of arriving in Blackpool , Luff announced his five year plan to transform the Undertaking , changed the livery to ivory and green , and introduced a streamlined tramcar as the prototype of a new fleet ( see p. 65 ) .
10 Expressing his absolute contempt of bands who rely on ambient , effect-heavy swirling guitar sounds , Bernard insists his own playing will never take a back seat musically .
11 and a minute later Mooney made his hat-trick … 6-1 to Southend …
12 It was Wharton-Tigar who , in the end , saved Klein 's life by shipping him out to Gibraltar when the Abwehr sought his arrest .
13 Patrick checked his watch .
14 Peter Watkins made his first feature , Privilege ( 1967 ) , for an American company , after his astonishing depiction of what would happen if a nuclear bomb fell on Kent , The War Game ( 1965 ) , had been banned by the BBC .
15 On Monday , August 24 , after a meeting with the King in the morning , MacDonald met his Cabinet once more , at noon .
16 As it happens ’ — Morse consulted his watch ostentatiously — ‘ he is very shortly due to take off from Kennedy Airport to fly back to Heathrow , and he has already made a substantial confession about his part in the strange circumstances surrounding the Wolvercote Tongue and Dr Theodore Kemp .
17 As well as acting as presenter of the various scenes Richard Baker displays his talent as a pianist , singer , and even for one moment as a dancer !
18 Ben met his eyes again , fixing that same penetrating stare on him .
19 Towards the end of 1182 Richard was summoned from his war in the Angoumois to attend his father 's Christmas court at Caen .
20 Careful not to hook his leash , Trent made his way forward .
21 While Louis ducked into the saloon , Trent made his way forward .
22 Croatian President Franjo Tudjman made his name in the 1960s as a maverick historian who charged that only 30,000 people perished at the hands of the Ustashe fascists .
23 ‘ Of course what I 'm really interested in ’ Maxim went on ‘ is where D'Urbino got his ideas from . ’
24 Shamir made his call in the light of Cabinet disagreements over a Police Ministry proposal to prevent all unmarried Palestinian men under the age of 30 from entering Israel .
25 Ipswich 's next meeting is on Good Friday and Zdenek Tesar has taken the opportunity of the break to return to Czechoslovakia to see his wife and daughter and do some cross country skiing near his mountain home .
26 ‘ Tommy Taylor made his debut in the same game as me .
27 Three years later , in 1638 , Laud arranged for him to become Rector of Uppingham , in Rutland , and a chaplain to King Charles I. It was at this time that Taylor made his first marriage , to the sister of one of his Cambridge pupils . ’
28 Kelly revealed his anguish over the case that sparked a fierce debate in soccer and said : ‘ Would the game 's interests have been better served by Blissett spending Christmas in jail ? ’
29 Recognising the vital importance of persuasive speech in the day to day running of a democracy , Aristotle drafted his Rhetoric , a work which has influenced countless would be orators through the ages .
30 So Timothy Winters drinks his cup
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