Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 Nobody invited Miss Honey to sit down so she chose a chair and sat down anyway .
2 By nine that morning they were parked on a side-street off Tottenham Court Road , Bodie at the wheel of the Capri , Doyle slouched down in the passenger seat , idly , almost cursorily , watching the heavy flow of traffic up towards Warren Street .
3 Pathfinders in Space obeyed all the ground rules Sydney Newman laid down for doing drama on Television .
4 Secondly , he must make sure Hirst knuckles down and gets his feet back on the ground .
5 Blair crept down to the bank whilst I rehearsed various reasons to explain why he had not caught the trout : lack of experience , bad casting technique .
6 The decisive response by the Kennedy administration to a potential missile gap and the Sino-Soviet crisis were the two main factors forcing Moscow to scale down its claims .
7 Blushing and slowly understanding , Alexandra laid down her spoon .
8 His father brushed the chair he had been sitting on and , with a flourish , invited Madeleine to sit down .
9 As Lisa laid down the phone her hand was shaking .
10 Isabel laid down her cards .
11 He invited Patrick to sit down in the hall and took him in detail through events from the moment the car had stopped in front of the house .
12 Harrogate scored all their points in the first half with a try by their Yorkshire scrum half , Guy Easterby , from a blind side scrum move , Steve Baker touching down a try following a tap penalty move .
13 Denis flung down his gun in disgust .
14 Stewart plays down crowd 's stone attack
15 The judges will hear arguments next month and make their rulings , with luck , before Germany shuts down for August .
16 Now Gary sit down
17 Rosheen bent down and pushed aside the rocks that covered Postine 's horribly crushed body .
18 Tsu Ma knelt down and held his shoulders , nodding , remembering how he had felt the first time he had seen the ritual , not then knowing what was happening , nor why .
19 Sophie bent down to examine her patient .
20 The beam came to rest on the Ngo brothers , and after a moment 's hesitation Duclos bent down and seized Hoc by the arm .
21 Harvey sank down into the parched grass .
22 ON THE BAWL : David Kelly shouts down Steve Walsh
23 — But Sheila moved down to London with Bob and she got a job no bother .
24 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Antananarivo , Cardinal Victor Razafimahatratra , appealed to Ratsiraka to stand down .
25 Liz Headleand stared at the scene with a marked lack of dismay , as Kate Armstrong knelt down and started to dust the earth off Giles , looking up to ask anyone who might be interested about the little blobs of white polystyrene that always seem to come mixed with bulb fibre : ‘ What is this stuff ? ’ asked Kate , ‘ I 've often wondered , ’ as she proceeded to re-pot a hyacinth with one hand while stroking Giles 's shoulder with the other .
26 Having handed over her letter and waved goodbye , Perdita wandered down to the stables .
27 Fellow Cooperite Sir Brian Jenkins stands down as Mayor on 12 November .
28 EAST GERMANY battened down the hatches yesterday on the eve of Mikhail Gorbachev 's arrival in its capital , Berlin , for the fortieth anniversary of the country 's creation .
29 William bent down to examine it .
30 Adimov sagged down onto his mattress and his head was half-buried in his pillow and there was a redness in his eyes .
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