Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] has " in BNC.

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1 In order to accommodation those people who wish to visit the fair for just one day , Ian Allan has arranged scheduled flights on British Midland at a cost of £189 .
2 The text of the cable was : Bodyline bowling has assumed such proportions as to menace the best interests of the game , making protection of the body by the batsmen the main consideration .
3 Manufacturing operator Jason Hailes has completed a 60-day Prince 's Trust programme which involves community projects concerned with caring and the environment .
4 Peggy Rockcliffe has worked hard to achieve its present high degree of comfort , adding bathrooms , a dining room and turning a barn into a spacious sitting room .
5 DRAG racing star Ian Merryweather has launched a quest to raise funds in a bid to defend his European crown .
6 It was an interesting remark on many levels : A.J.P. Taylor has said that the phrase was more revealing than Bismarck intended : ‘ When he wanted to define Germany it was Pomerania on the Baltic , not the Rhineland , Bavaria or Austria which came into his mind . ’
7 ‘ Idealism ’ , the historian A.J.P. Taylor has written , ‘ perished on the Somme . ’
8 Beverley Hilton , editorial director of Eaglemoss Publications , retires on 1st April , but remains on the board ; Isabel Moore , formerly at Octopus , joins the company on 1st April as editorial director ; Jasmine Taylor has been appointed creative director ; and Eluned James continues as managing editor .
9 Managers say Stoke Mandeville has simply been treating too many people .
10 And er once again the Hereford defence has proved itself somewhat leaky , five three .
11 WIDNES chairman Jim Mills has scotched talk of Jonathan Davies quitting to coach rugby union at Llanelli .
12 NCR Corp has finally abandoned the traditional mainframe business , driven out of it by another company that is hanging on in there by its fingernails .
13 NCR Corp has created a Worldwide Industry Marketing Division and new US Group organisational structure to focus on enhancing the company 's understanding of its customers and the industries in which it markets .
14 NCR Corp has released version 2.1 of its Cooperation integrated software environment , for client-server environments , which runs on System 3000 machines and personal computer clients ; it supports Windows 3.1 , Lotus Development Corp Notes and Hewlett-Packard Co 's NewWave 4.1 ; a 10-user licence is £3,500 .
15 NCR Corp has been demonstrating an enhanced version of its Co-operation environment at UniForum in San Francisco , and says that it provides enhanced scalable , enterprise-wide support , including broadened server scalability ; enhanced desktop capabilities ; single point , local or remote , system administration ; access to object-based frameworks ; updated versions of all third-party components including Windows 3.1 and Hewlett-Packard Co 's NewWave 4.1 ; access to the Informix database ; and improved diary , mail and information access .
16 AT&T Co 's NCR Corp has signed an OEM contract for NetLabs Inc 's new Overlord network management technology for use in its StarSentry product line .
17 NCR Corp has formed two new groups that will work jointly to develop telecommunications specific business systems for providers of telecommunications services worldwide : Telecom Solutions & Integration is a development and production organisation in NCR 's Midrange Computer Products Division and will be based in Naperville , Illinois , integrating NCR 's Open , Co-operative Computing Architecture with specific telecommunications attributes ; and Worldwide Communications Industry Marketing will focus on enhancing NCR 's understanding of customers and the communications industry .
18 NCR Corp has won a $2m contract to provide Dutch tour operator Arke Reizen NV with one of its massively parallel System 3600 systems : the machine will serve 800 terminals at Arke Reizen 's head office and 9,000 additional remote terminals in offices across the Netherlands , it will also handle some 500,000 bookings a year and calculate and maintain Arke Reizens 's financial accounts ; it is believed to be the first time massively parallel technology has been used to handle day-to-day travel transactions — although a number of travel agents use it to analyse marketing data .
19 NCR Corp has enhanced its Top End mainframe-class , open distributed transaction processing system that enables customers to integrate existing mainframe applications with those running on Unix machines .
20 AT&T Co 's computer manufacturing company NCR Corp has formed a new pan-European consulting and design centre , with the aim of providing multi-site and multinational companies with an integrated set of services that span national boundaries .
21 Dayton , Ohio-based NCR Corp has announced a symmetric multi-processing version of the NCR StarGroup LAN Manager 2.0 network operating system for NCR 3450 , 3550 and StarServer E systems .
22 NCR Corp has instituted a trade-in programme to move its installed base of Tower and 3B2 users on to its 3400 servers .
23 NCR Corp has long been interested in offering a high degree of fault-tolerance on its computers , and its final line of mainframes , the 9800s , were claimed to be fault-tolerant .
24 NCR Corp has released StarPro , a distributed computing electronic mail and messaging system .
25 AT&T Co 's computer manufacturing company NCR Corp has formed a new pan-European consulting and design centre , with the aim of providing multi-site and multinational companies with an integrated set of services that span national boundaries .
26 One of the benefits of making an acquisition has to be that duplicated positions can be eliminated , and NCR Corp has had to tell a total of 284 employees at two Teradata and two NCR locations in Southern California that they are surplus to requirements .
27 Expanding on the agreement that AT&T 's Computer Systems Division forged with Banyan Systems Inc last year , NCR Corp has now sealed a pact with the Westborough , Massachusetts-based company , said to be worth $25m over the next three years : NCR is to market and support Banyan 's Unix-based Vines network operating system — in the US and Canada initially , worldwide at a later date — whilst Banyan distributors will be able to sell NCR products .
28 Expanding on the agreement that AT&T 's Computer Systems Division forged with Banyan Systems Inc last year , NCR Corp has now sealed a pact with the Westborough , Massachusetts-based company , said to be worth $25m over the next three years : NCR is to market and support Banyan 's Unix-based Vines network operating system — in the US and Canada initially , worldwide at a later date — whilst Banyan distributors will be able to sell NCR products .
29 With the news that NCR Corp has joined the ranks of those opting for its Unix implementation for the iAPX-86 processor family , Sun Microsystems Inc 's SunSoft subsidiary finally took the wrapping off its long-awaited Unix SVR4-based operating system environment last week .
30 In his well-known book Feudal Society , the historian Marc Bloch has laid particular emphasis on the fact that in the Middle Ages men found it difficult to appreciate the significance of time because they were so ill-equipped to measure it .
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