Example sentences of "[pers pn] get is " in BNC.

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1 All I got is a ball of string and some bits of paper .
2 ‘ What I got is an inarck … an inar … culate …
3 The manual actually fails to mention quite a lot and I only hope that the one I got is a prototype and not what the paying public will receive !
4 The last one I got is not in there .
5 The instructions I got is that no Walkman are allowed in school .
6 All I get is criticism . ’
7 I have phoned the company , but all I get is an ansaphone and no-one ever contacts me .
8 He said : ‘ The only problem I get is a shortness of breath on one side when I 'm jogging .
9 The impression I get is that Gigolo Aunts know more about good ol' apple pie than Mr Bloody Kipling .
10 ‘ The service I get is very precious to me , and takes away pressure on my family .
11 The only big buzz I get is from my work and , of course , my children .
12 Whenever I try this , the only reaction I get is : ‘ Yeah , great , Dad , can I borrow a fiver ? ’
13 Here I 'm doing you a favour and all I get is crummy insults . ’
14 ‘ Well , now that you ask , ’ he said smoothly , ‘ the picture I get is of a group of young people with more money than sense , buying temporary pleasures because they have n't got a clue where to find enjoyment of the more permanent sort . ’
15 Changes do n't happen overnight but the feedback I get is there 's now greater visibility of managers and supervisors .
16 I suppose I wan na be a bit careful that the experience I get is n't too specialist as well .
17 The only problem I get is finding my supply .
18 All I get is the blood and guts . ’
19 I , his daughter , grieve and demand justice , but all I get is the offensive language of the alleys and runnels of Southwark .
20 They may be matched but then all you got is two turds instead of one !
21 They may be matched but then all you got is two turds instead of one !
22 You 've got ta do thirty-six on one floor , thirty-six on another floor , and the next thing that you got is all the information together where all you 've got to do is put that , lots of those together and it 's er , it 's er a shuffling around procedure , is n't it ?
23 So it might be a good idea to jot them in you got Is there a shop of souvenirs around here ?
24 Josie , have you got is a thing or is it , is it a Tandy or is it ?
25 About all the exercise you get is pressing the button on your automatic gear change .
26 The impression you get is that no individual is taking care of your particular conference .
27 What you get is Bob returning to his roots with songs from the American folk and blues archives performed with just a single guitar and voice .
28 But if in a moment of madness you do a John McEnroe and smash it to smithereens , all you get is the satisfaction .
29 It 's called Totally Pauly , and what you get is this gangling , scarf-draped , tendril-haired , mumbling , stumbling doper addressing the camera — and , by extension , us — as ‘ Bud ’ , accosting strangers on the street , cruising chicks ( ‘ buff nugs ’ , to use his parlance ) on the Strip , or making field trips to beauty pageants , pig farms and rodeos .
30 What you get is Mick Farren 's ( admittedly excellent ) ‘ Mona ’ LP sandwiched between a couple of tracks from his ‘ Vampires Stole My Lunch Money ’ record and a taste of ‘ Deviants Third ’ .
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