Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb pp] how " in BNC.

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1 Oh God , have I forgotten how poor old Eddy sat at his desk in Hand and Ball Court on the last day of his life , talking about those past times which were most important to him , and how nobody took any notice ?
2 Have I forgotten how nobody really cared , how nobody really knew him ?
3 ‘ Have you heard how he is ? ’
4 Have you heard how your mother is ?
5 have you heard how Johnny is lately ?
6 Have you forgotten how easy it is to delude yourself into believing you are in love ?
7 Have you noticed how so many adverts for chocolate are aimed at girls ?
8 ( Have you noticed how the Christians on TV are usually the ‘ wet ’ ones , like Harold in Neighbours — it 's no wonder that people think ALL Christians are wet ! )
9 HAVE you noticed how the Chancellor is sounding more and more like England football manager Graham Taylor .
10 Have you noticed how often when relationships go wrong we are focusing on people 's weaknesses and not on their worth at all ?
11 Have you noticed how well-prepared some individuals are when they answer the phone and how others are ill-prepared , as though they never receive calls ?
12 Have you noticed how many things stop you from painting ?
13 ‘ Have n't you noticed how often he takes his dear friend Councillor Waverly out to lunch ? ’
14 Have you noticed how both these farts have their collars turned up and sort of ‘ pressed ’ at the front .
15 Also , have you noticed how ‘ spit ’ dare not make cuntona sub ? ? ? ?
16 Moreover , have you noticed how each , apart from the chaplain , has someone to confirm their tale ?
17 Have you noticed how he , he creeps that bit , he you know , he , he do n't keep back he , he just he gets just that bit behind the
18 A smooth walk , have you noticed how she just glides across , there you are !
19 Have you seen how the king of the jungle behaves when the missus brings back a nice bit of venison ?
20 Anyway , have n't you seen how canny Labour and the Liberal Democrats are playing it on a pact between the two of them ?
21 Have you seen how clean it is ?
22 ‘ Have you seen how much we 're owed ? ’
23 ‘ Have you seen how far it is to the bathroom ? ’
24 no , have you seen how many calories in a
25 It was you said how it was wrong to waste what the Good Lord provides us for nothing , only to throw away hard-earned cash at the Superstore buying second best .
26 Were you surprised how soon you got into the RSC — and that you have now ended up after only just over a year and a half in the profession playing Juliet and Hermia ?
27 And how many times had she thought how easy it would be to poison him ?
28 And as for the gawping idiots — have n't you thought how useful a little judicious publicity could be ?
29 ‘ Have you thought how many departments would know anyway ?
30 Why had n't she realized how hopeless she had become , how she had forgotten everything during those months of pregnancy ?
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