Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] into " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the Schopenhauerian aspects of his theory contradicted his own earlier doctrines without in fact bringing them properly into line with Schopenhauer 's aesthetic itself .
2 But if Mr 's argument is that windfalls and recycled land are as it were free of any environmental penalties and can be added to his thirty one thousand , then I think that er the way to treat that is to come to a higher number which takes them properly into account .
3 I 'll tell you , Crilly , about my first trip to Scotland and the men in chip shops who call you ‘ Hen ’ and the lads wearing green Celtic scarves at lunchtime and broad pointy-horned cattle and graveyards macabre with the tilting of tombstones caked with moss and weeds , sheep grazing and weaving amongst them , and a coastal fishing town in Harris where a night sky shimmers only to itself and I am without friends from , the real world and I listen only for the sound of the tin whistle while the boats rock gently in the jetty and the sky rages from beige to black and craggy mountains dart until forever and a fisherman stands , stunning and alone , strong and unnamed , and leads me slowly into that everchanging sea .
4 ‘ When I was a child , ’ she said , ‘ I used to think that you could look into anybody 's eyes , anybody 's , and see through them right into their soul .
5 As these are decorations and not toys , you can use glass or pearl-headed pins to make the halo , either pushing them right into the head like a wreath , or half-way in so that the halo stands away from the head .
6 In the ensuing panic zebras run in all directions , many of them right into the paws and jaws of another waiting lioness .
7 Liquid crystals — these are able to store ingredients such as vitamin E and release them slowly into the skin for prolonged benefits .
8 Only Preston managed to save its commons from the vultures , and to transform some of them eventually into public parks .
9 He pulled me to my feet , and flung his arms around me and squeezed me as if he wanted to gather me right into himself , never let me go , and we stayed like that for a long time , not speaking , rocking to and fro .
10 Another chapter today would see me nicely into the second half of my story , and this evening I would talk to Crispin and get things sorted out with him .
11 Many have a dread of something happening that will plunge them suddenly into a situation of near-poverty , and a few also unconsciously use their financial problems as pegs on which to hang their much deeper fears concerning their health and their future , which they may find hard to face .
12 But they did talk about how , if you have a holistic attitude to some one , you have to take account of their social and environmental factors which would take them perhaps into green politics .
13 A double bed with two entirely different types of springing to suit the needs of each partner exactly ; to ease them gently into the right positions to keep the spine relaxed and flexible ; to help lift the pressure off bones , muscles , tendons , nerve endings and joints .
14 Make six small balls out of the red marzipan trimmings , each about the size of a pea , and press them gently into the red base , spacing evenly apart .
15 Neaten the joins of the strips as you go along , and press them gently into the side of the cake with your fingers .
16 That thought should get them deeper into the Castle , which is the general idea …
17 Money has driven them deeper into the planet , money has brought them down in the world …
18 The air smelt dank and trapped despite the wind that poured past them , forcing them deeper into the solid darkness ahead .
19 But it can learn to comprehend a series of events by bringing them together into a cohesive , learned pattern to form a language .
20 Previously they had lacked an identity , but the training period had welded them together into a cohesive fighting force with an intense pride in themselves and their unit .
21 For instance , I was able to witness the dogs ' problems first-hand as Melanie muzzled them and brought them together into the living room .
22 What is needed , then , is a concept of research and teaching which will bring them together into reciprocal dependence and so reconcile the requirements of relevance and rigour .
23 It was also unduly limited in the kind of explanations it offered of the course of events , explanations which appealed overmuch to the actions and dispositions of individuals , stringing them together into a complex story of aims and intrigues .
24 At first these services were administered by ad hoc bodies but legislation covering England and Wales in 1888 and 1894 began to draw them together into modern units of local government .
25 Now is the time to begin fitting them together into the jigsaw , to demonstrate a powerful result extending the invisible hand beyond perfect competition to circumstances under which a natural monopoly has an efficient output and pricing structure .
26 A party of people sets out on a journey with all its different components like the jumbled up pieces of a jigsaw puzzle , Sophia thought , waiting for something — some event or just the passing of time — to fit them together into a whole .
27 A useful test of how effective your section headings are is that it should be possible to string them together into a paraphrase of what the essay says .
28 To the charge that Victorians sentimentalised the deaths of their children has been added the allegation that they may have inflicted psychological damage by bringing them prematurely into contact with death .
29 Then I got a clear view of the mink , which was grabbing tufts of grass in its mouth and dragging them backwards into the den .
30 She picked off two pale sticky little slugs and flicked them away into the weeds , then crouched over a clear patch of soil and started to pull apart their tangled cotton-thread roots .
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