Example sentences of "[pers pn] [pers pn] very " in BNC.

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1 Er and I well remember er even as early as nineteen nineteen the election which took place immediately after world war one , I remember being er sort of dragged round the streets , you know , er I think it was enjoyable , I do n't know er by my mother , er attending these street meetings , er I I I very well remember it because I had a a a new coat , a new coat for for er for this particular venture , and er the two things you know are fairly deep in my memory .
2 Here I am talking to you about myself — a thing I assure you I very very rarely do — while you are shrinking from making the slightest personal communication to me .
3 Erm throughout this you know since we 've since we 've been talking you you very clearly have given me erm picture of the people who own the quarries and own the and have the erm of the directories .
4 Like a , thousands more , and another thing we knew we we very often , my wife and I were talking about it only the other day , there was an old saying that er er Percy White 's out of prison .
5 When hundreds of students tried to proceed along them they very speedily became totally blocked .
6 They they very seldom bought things for themselves , it was spent on the children .
7 And they they they very often , when they were dressed , they would have a little shawl that they would lay over their shoulders instead of a a long scarf thing you know ?
8 It has an innocent enough title — The Needs of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers from their Medical Departments in the 1990s — and in it he very reasonably argues that an increasingly sophisticated public , provided with alarming insights concerning drugs like Opren and thalidomide by such philosophical weeklies as the Sunday Times , is going to demand a great deal more information about the many medicines doctors so recklessly prescribe , ( Those are n't quite the terms he uses , by the way . )
9 He he very rarely played truant a boy did n't it 's er in fact I er I do n't think I ever did , to my knowledge played truant at all during school .
10 And he he very nearly won the Doncaster Cup was n't it .
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