Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] have " in BNC.

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1 The nature of these changes , then , can be seen as some confirmation that the trends identified by Dearlove were genuine enough , but that working them through has taken much longer to achieve and involved much more upheaval than his initial analysis would have suggested .
2 But at last I learned to know what a lie was : to induce my mother to stop beating me I would lie — I would say , yes , I had lied and was sorry , and then she would whip me for having withheld the admission so long .
3 When it disappeared from the catalogue and by chance I was offered a knighthood , I always said that the Queen , coming as she does from an angling family , was compensating me for having had my name taken out of Hardy 's catalogue .
4 ‘ Well ! ’ he said , ‘ I hope you 'll forgive me for having knocked you down that day . ’
5 He wanted to thank me for having such an undying belief in his footballing ability and for working tirelessly to further his career in soccer .
6 The ground staff at Edinburgh were very helpful , and when we finally boarded ( in really raw and biting cold and -2 degrees centigrade ) thanked me for having my luggage so clearly labelled as it had helped them get it to the hold doors for immediate removal at Brussels .
7 Curse me for having nothing in this world to give him but gratitude ! ’
8 Blame me for having it sprung on you like this .
9 Forgive me for having addressed you so informally , Miss Bishop . ’
10 They have not right to take and fund matters to the Higher Courts to review the decisions of the Government , the executive in other words , and they themselves have no idea how they 're meant to fulfil this role that the Government sees them as having .
11 Oh I asked him to go to the insurance company and find out whether I 'm covered with them for having my aerial replaced and I wrote a letter asking if he could be empowered to sign the claim form for me
12 Erm confused as hell until somebody told me about having a pie .
13 36 , or relating to protection of the environment or the working environment ’ shall notify such provisions to the Commission , and the Commission may confirm them after having verified that they are not a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between Member States .
14 Tutwiler 's statement came amidst reports of growing bitterness among Kurdish leaders who claimed that the US administration had failed to support them after having initially encouraged their movement .
15 He 'd suspected them of having an affair for a while , but they had both kept their tracks well covered .
16 In an interview in The Washington Post published on May 30 , Barry admitted having smoked crack but blamed the federal authorities for having led him on and accused them of having tried to " kill " him by allowing him to consume the illegal drug .
17 Then , at the beginning of September , Prime Minister Giral was forced to resign by intense pressure from the Socialist and Communist Parties , whose leaders bitterly criticized what they saw as the Left Republicans ' incompetent handling of the Republican war effort , accusing them of having lost control of the situation .
18 After another term , I was given more art , and my class-room became an unofficial art room , much to the distress of the caretaker , who accused me of having the dirtiest class-room in the school !
19 When I made a television documentary that concluded that there was no evidence for nuclear fusion products , I received a letter from Martin Fleischmann alleging that there was a warrant issued in Utah for the arrest of the film crew , accusing me of having gained ‘ illegal access to the National Cold Fusion Institute ’ and of being a media person masquerading as a scientist .
20 It smacks to me of having a brain that 's too active by far .
21 When I described this to M. Bellin , the secretary at the consulate , he told me of having seen an ostrich trying to rape a donkey .
22 ‘ Except that you were right when you once accused me of having a personal prejudice .
23 I am grateful to the hon. Member for Eccles ( Miss Lestor ) for having tabled the question , which otherwise the Opposition might have accused me of having planted .
24 It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career .
25 ‘ He chose that moment to accuse me of having someone else . ’
26 ‘ You accused me of having a lover and I chose not to deny it . ’
27 ‘ You did n't accuse me of having an affair with him then , so why now ? ’
28 ‘ You , Fernando Serra , are either lying through your teeth , putting on a brave face or you have the same loose sort of arrangement with your mistress as you accused me of having with Steve . ’
29 ‘ And you accuse me of having an oversized ego ?
30 That the man they had warned me against had taken it … ’
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