Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then your feelings for me are as mine for you ? ’ he asked softly .
2 There 's no doubt if you analyze a lot of dreams , that an awful lot of them are as a matter of fact .
3 ‘ The more anonymous I am as an actor the easier it is to make you believe I 'm someone else . ’
4 I am as an invalid housewife , unresourceful and unknowing , who leaves business to her husband .
5 I am as you probably know a huge supporter of Sunday trading .
6 you know you sort of , you were there , I am as a trainer you were sort of digging away there getting a bit more information out about people .
7 I am as well darling !
8 I am as you would say a cobbler .
9 You have that choice , that chance to do that for my patients and I tell you , to be with you , to be part of you , I 'm as a , I learn for you , I think of you , and I can just tell you , I wish you all the best , but I wo n't forget your responsibility to help the medical profession to make , with the work they do for a better tomorrow possible , due to your work , your hard attempts to give that financial ability through the best insurance policies on the market today .
10 Oh , I 'm as it is , so
11 I was as a man who was pulling down his house upon the head of his wife and children , yet thought I , I must do it , I must do it . ’
12 This may be due to the poor quality of the preaching or it may be due to the fact that some Christians have their own interpretation of the dominical saying , ‘ Except ye be as little children ye can not enter the kingdom of heaven ’ .
13 One of the particular pleasures of visiting Brno is how welcome you are as a visitor from the west and how interested people often are to talk to you .
14 Social worth in our society is related to the workplace : you are valued by what you do for a job , not what or who you are as a person .
15 Can you now describe the kind of person you are as an adult ?
16 If anything , you 're more intriguing as a woman than you were as a girl .
17 Resident in the UK , she 's as comfortable mocking the English ( ‘ I 'm married to an English guy .
18 As a doctor she would be i in the dilemma of of trying to give her daughter something which er is not allowed , and yet as a as a doctor she could prescribe other things for other people and here she is as a mother with her own child in her own house , unable to do anything very much for her .
19 And the way that , say , television news addresses you is as a particular type of person .
20 The same guarantee I can offer for all my house , whose will to you is as mine .
21 The cancer had spread from the breast to various other areas including the bones and she was as a result suffering considerable pain which was not controlled by pain-killers .
22 At first , she was my running idol and then , when I got to know her , I realised how nice she was as a person as well .
23 No doubt she was as putty in his desirable hands .
24 In addition , when I look at the plight of the millions of people who 've been made homeless recently because of flooding in other parts of the world , it does make me realize how lucky we are as a society that homelessness is still on a much smaller scale here than it is in some countries .
25 and erm I just think that women are so strong and , and another thing that I find er that is very important , is perhaps there 's women here we should look at why there 's only one female prison in Scotland and about fourteen male lot and including young offenders institutions and er , I mean what is it we are as agenda er just less criminally minded , more controlled , more clever , what , you know we should be teaching men .
26 We are as but fleas on the camel of eternity , and yet to us is given the vision , the revelation and the power .
27 WE would like to outline how disgraced we are as Ards fans at our teams recent performances .
28 With regards to basic ideas of freedom and justice , we are as one .
29 There we were as representatives of this city , people who are in contact with erm people who have got problems , we were
30 Continentals are unable to be butlers because they are as a breed incapable of the emotional restraint which only the English race are capable of .
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