Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 I think Freud would say though however that these are more like the th the was talking about religion , now clearly if something is a outlawing it is n't gon na make much difference to it , or if anything it 's , it 's just gon na make it er , er make it more difficult , but there are certain types of religion and Judaism is one of them where th this very pattern you 're talking about did occur and here Freud is er probably standing on , on firm ground , for reasons which I 'll explain in my lectures I do n't wan na take up too much time , but I have done a bit of research on this myself and as you will see , erm there 's , there are good reasons for thinking that Freud was certainly right about some of those and we certainly know that a monotheistic and , and an absolutely rigidly monotheistic religion appeared in Ancient Egypt as erm Andrea said , just before erm the er reign of this heretic er heretic , heretic pharaoh one of whose er near descendants , I forget how he was related now , erm was originally called Tutamkhatan and then was forced to change his name to Tutankhamen and he was dug up by Howard Carter in nineteen twenty two or something er and er the Tutankhamen is called Tutankhamen and not Tutamkhatan is that there was a religious .
2 We have a di , a different picture , and we make up erm pictures like you see o on these crime programmes , the videofits of suspects , you 've all seen them where th , you know got the lines between the nose and , and the mouth they are made up of the information that we 've gained from witnesses .
3 See people did n't have cars , and if it was now , they could only help me by bringing a horse to meet me or erm or a tractor if they half way .
4 Yeah somebody trustworthy to replace them or erm they will allow so many in actually erm be off at one given time .
5 But learn to use " he or she " or , more elegantly , " they , them or theirs ' , as appropriate rather than the male form of the pronoun all the time .
6 They were therefore involved in negotiating the initial agreement of the statutory services for the project to take place in their areas , and in preparing the ground more fully so that all relevant service-providers knew about the project and understood how it might affect them or vice versa .
7 Oh I told you did n't I that er the fellow with the Portakabins that does work for the B B C , he had the Portakabin and then your tables are two pound each , and your chairs range from fifty pence to one pound fifty .
8 So now I always and so I , I 'm thinking that it might be that , that I that erm maybe you know like I used to be anxious about something like that and I used to wake up and the dream used to happen , but now that I 've double checked that I know for sure that , that I 'm safe you know for the night it does n't happen any more by cutting off possibility
9 Erm what , what I said to you earlier was that er at the very beginning where you could help me was if , if you found this of value to you , this service that I 've just provided , erm perhaps you could erm th there might be er some friends of yours that er you might find that this might be of beneficial to .
10 Depends I If er one of the hand specialists is in they 'll probably get you done there and then , if they 're quick .
11 Well I would n't , I would n't have come like this would I if er
12 If I if m I summarize that , I know Harrogate have supported the principle of a new settlement within the Greater York figure , but you had n't anticipated that it would bite on your district , if I can use that word .
13 Erm , yes , we have made a , a projection but the treasurer and I and er Mr may wish to comment through you Chairman .
14 I used to live just down that lane , back lane and er that 's where they er had that last week that episode with the police was n't it , bogus police , yeah , yes that 's where I and er it was a quite nice old house really I did n't like leaving it .
15 The traffic engineers are well aware of this problem and I and er other Tory councillors have been er in contact with our officers and the trans traffic engineers at the and the engineers er insist that the only answer is to narrow causeway by physically putting in er road narrowing measures .
16 well we went on a course , for a week up Newcastle and of course er erm we had to be there for nine o'clock so we had to catch the bus , at the latest half past eight so you 're up at you 're up at seven and you get showered and what have you cos there 's a shower in the be bedroom get yourself all ready so you 're down by about erm half seven , quarter to eight , like so you tend to think quarter of an hour to the erm bus stop which is right outside the door of the hotel we were getting so and we use the bus rather than take the car in daily , cos it 's easier so I and er and of course I sat down and had a breakfast and I thoroughly enjo , I did n't have any cereals you know , I says well er and I had a little bit of orange orange juice , but it was this erm made up orange juice
17 yeah , well I and er
18 If I have n't done it I and er
19 I and er told Lindsey if she 'd ever any problems never to write them down to a friend
20 So the memory has created a situation where you 're looking for a planned intention was developing and I and suc suc suc and I was successful .
21 Of course and that w oh I and ti and so anyway I started er work in August nineteen thirteen and er when December came around er there was a strike .
22 well that 's right , yeah I mean , I but er
23 They , not as like warm as yours but er they 're certainly nice and warm .
24 It 's a physical game and erm i it seems to me that er people should er develop their brain a little more and play games er which have more i interest for everyone , not just the people who like a good shout !
25 You see I mean it it did occur to me that er erm on on the three occasions that we 've done this now , it always turns out to be er me involved in about just you know either playing the piano or something else in just about everything .
26 Erm we did get a woman later on I think in this little cash desk where the money used to go in the machine you know and er , but you 'd go in and you would have , it used to intrigue me that er you 'd go in and the , the dairy goods was all one side and you , you would , you would , my brother and I would have our lists and it was , we were petrified that we case we made a mistake you know .
27 But it would seem to me that er there may be a marginal undersupply in Bradford on the basis of the current U D P and that is assuming that we we have the same balance between Bradford and between North Yorkshire as I am implying from my my particular figures .
28 and he is , as you do , as you do , and he assures me that er we will get the fire station .
29 I think that is the issue and on the basis of the distribution of settlements , er now there 's nothing there to suggest to me that er there 's anything other than the level playing field at the outset of perhaps of that exercise .
30 Yes sir he told me that er would know because they ha had been together in prison and that he also had information that they had been planning armed robberies together .
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