Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is still space for genuinely national economic , political and cultural-ideological practices , but the global capitalist system increasingly marginalizes such practices , making them commercially irrelevant .
2 So it is not surprising that each field-worker tries to select an unstudied people , or if that fails , a community whose present circumstances render them acutely interesting for ‘ theoretical reasons ’ .
3 You thought me dead these few weeks …
4 In addition , they are flame-resistant , making them most suitable for furnishing fabrics .
5 Employers who have attended students ' debriefing sessions have found them most illuminating .
6 Moreover , they have been trained to serve and you will find them most helpful .
7 He realized the importance of kinship systems for the Indians and how for them most social relationships were seen in terms of who was the child of whom and who was married to whom .
8 One would like very often to have more erm people involved in decision making , but they simply do n't have the time to inform themselves and one or two experiments in the kind of democracy you might Brian might have had in mind , came to horrible grief where decisions were taken simply uninformed and where the small number of people present who were informed were n't able to persuade the majority and the history of education is littered with them most unfortunate examples of this .
9 By this time , some are up to 14″ — but because the original outlay on stock did n't break the bank , Ken can offer them remarkably reasonably-priced .
10 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
11 Charred-edged holes appeared in their skin , while behind them little dry chunks of flesh fell into the powdery dust that covered the ground .
12 All them little starry lights that comes out at night , well , they 're not much help , are they ?
13 and I bear them little enough ill will .
14 Networks are merely an enabling technology , and the applications that run on them little more than means to an end : information .
15 SE13 's feisty and fabulous Back To The Planet are the Radical Dance Faction it 's OK to like , a likeably ramshackle collective whose penchant for ska rhythms and reggae upholstery ought to merit them little more than outlaw status .
16 Those of the Indus and Ganges dolphins even lack lenses , so that their eyes can tell them little more than the difference between light and darkness , between day and night .
17 Loosely used in practice , these concepts , as they enter academia , become subjected to a concerted effort to force them to lie down and behave , to render them properly scientific .
18 But now ’ she thought that it was not that , but something worse ; Rachel , who had always known things , did not know them properly any more .
19 They had high opinions of their value on stage , which made them rather undisciplined .
20 The detail of these two Appendices is indeed so full of problems as to make them rather grim reading .
21 Oh yes we saw the the news reports found them rather disturbing erm we thought we 'd do something to help and decided on a fashion show .
22 He thought them rather silly for not understanding how the trick was worked . )
23 ALL ABOUT Eve are quite happy to see one of these albums released and the other one makes them rather mad .
24 She was a typical Fifties phenomenon , a celebrity contrived out of sex appeal and publicity alone , both of them rather naive and innocent by the standards of subsequent hype and hoop-la .
25 My grievance against our present masters is that , quite frankly , I find most of them rather common .
26 Things like Fade To Black and Ironhand are untouched , and I like them rather more than the ‘ worked on ’ stuff .
27 After 1942 programmes for economic and social reform after the war began to take shape ; they had popular appeal and Labour was identified with them rather more than the Conservatives .
28 Their lease runs out at the end of , I think it 's April , and we are going to receive an approach from Devon County Council , that we become involved in any extension of that as a council , and that perhaps we offer them rather more in the way of guidance , which I think , is their main need .
29 We had an expert down from London who pronounced them rather inferior copies — but good enough , he thought , to be worth cleaning .
30 Most of the buyers are women — so is the auctioneer , a brawny , competent , good-humoured young woman with a Levantine cast of countenance and a thick Midi accent — who will re-sell them locally this very evening ; any minute now the housewives of Martigues and Lavéra and round about will be turning them into la soupe or la friture for the evening meal .
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