Example sentences of "[noun pl] often [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is also the case that the two commonly used relationships with ratios often and 100 concern millimetres , centimetres and metres and are perhaps the units which most pupils use most frequently .
2 Jane , of Bradford , said : ‘ I visit the graves often and the thought came to me that there are people in desperate situations needing help . ’
3 It was the need to provide so many public areas which produced the enormously long frontages of these stations , the buildings often as long as the platforms themselves .
4 The sea-story , as I have suggested , demands less falsifying of youth 's capacities since , in both navy and merchant navy ships , boys in their middle and even early teens have been called upon to act beyond their years often and as a matter of course , from the period , so fruitful for novelists , of the Napoleonic Wars to the present day as Richard Armstrong described it .
5 Although these methods are fairly simple , very thorough and no doubt excellent for those who make interviewing a large part of their life 's work they are not particularly useful for those who may not need to exercise interviewing skills often but who want to use the interview to good effect when they do .
6 These members of our society have difficulty with basic communication skills often because of the sheltered nature of their life and background .
7 Elderly people become more prone to falls often because of arthritic joints or dizziness , are vulnerable to pedestrian accidents perhaps due to lessened acuity in sight and hearing and at risk to the hazards of fire .
8 Its purpose was to prepare for the coming struggle between good order under a monarchy , and the revolutionary socialism of the sort to which republics often sink-until , that is , conditions deteriorate to the point where people are ready to revolt against the system and return to the rule of an even more powerful dictator .
9 Those very rare instances where ‘ little crime ’ develops into ‘ real ’ police work are recounted by policemen often and told with pleasure and delight .
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