Example sentences of "[noun pl] must [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The support she may win in the crisis , where minor disagreements are sunk in the face of a much disliked enemy , can evaporate in everyday disputes , where the Prime Minister 's views must compete with many other acceptable views .
2 Consequently , rather than allowing ourselves to be drawn into a metaphysical wild-goose chase we should concentrate instead on exploring the structural features of the minimal conceptual apparatus upon which any significant choice of ontological objects must depend .
3 The illustrations must do something that the text has not done or that the text can not do : ‘ You must never illustrate exactly what is written .
4 Limited supplies of fruit and vegetables must have been available , while an abundance of natural fruits and nuts could have been gathered in season , for either home consumption or for sale in the local market .
5 Total exports must pay for total imports , and if a country 's exports fall then imports will also fall unless the deficiency in exports can be made good in the ways specified .
6 In the long term , a country 's payments for imports and receipts for exports must balance .
7 Partnership contracts must contain , inter alia , the individual financial or in specie contributions of the members .
8 To attract participants , the exchange 's contracts must meet a genuine commercial need and strike a proper balance between traders and customers , so that one side is not unduly discouraged from doing business .
9 The Solid Fuel Advisory Service sponsor both this and the ladies ' race and the contestants must wear an SFAS t-shirt .
10 Early copies are now ready to go out the door , although unlimited shipments must wait until November .
11 But to speak out publicly without fear of retribution statisticians must become wholly independent of government , as happens in many other European countries .
12 Tourists wanting to extend their three-day visas must show bank exchange receipts equivalent to $20 for every extra day .
13 The Lions must get their act together on Wednesday in New Plymouth when they play Taranaki .
14 One of the opponents must hold precisely 2 Spades containing the Jack .
15 King Edward was still sure that the sheer weight of his mounted knights must prevail .
16 The magnificent late twelfth-century font in the great church of San Frediano at Lucca shows Pharaoh drowning in the Red Sea ; and he and his troops are dressed up much as Frederick and his knights must have appeared to the Lucchese of the 1160s .
17 Open-field farming , with few or no hedges must have produced a very bare landscape , totally lacking in visual interest which the great modern prairie farms of East Anglia have actually re-created in the last few decades .
18 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
19 What sense does it make to say that the corporation is morally responsible to compensate victims from the corporate treasury , with the consequence that its shareholders must bear the loss ?
20 Dowty shareholders must decide by noon whether to accept or reject a hostile bid from the engineering firm TI .
21 ( 5 ) If the offeror is listed , and the takeover is a Super Class 1 transaction , then the circular to its shareholders must contain a statement that its group will have sufficient working capital .
22 The London Stock Exchange requires that where the authority to buy-in shares relates to specific proposals , the circular to shareholders must state the names of the shareholders who will be parties to the proposed contract , together with all other material terms of the proposal ( para 30.4 , Chapter 2 , Section 5 of the Yellow Book ) .
23 In particular , the Panel is concerned that it should be made clear in the offer document , acceptance form and subsequent documents whether shareholders must lodge their certificates by the closing date of the cash underwritten alternative in addition to their completed acceptance forms in order to receive cash ( see para 11.3.16 below ) .
24 The intention of the section is clear : the shareholders must have power to remove the board .
25 Shareholders must have a fortnight to consider an offer , so that the final offer must come before the 46th day .
26 Accordingly , the investor may seek to include a provision whereby if the investor wishes to sell a specified percentage of the equity , then the other shareholders must follow suit and sell at the same price per share .
27 The target 's circular to shareholders must disclose purchases and redemptions made over the period commencing 12 months prior to the offer period and ending with the latest practicable date prior to the posting of the document .
28 Builders must finish the job in a proper and workmanlike fashion and must use suitable materials — you have a claim if these principles are not adhered to , and if you can establish shoddy or negligent work it is possible that the courts will award damages for inconvenience caused in addition to the cost of rectifying the initial problem .
29 In the early stages of cold-welding the planets must have been very similar in appearance , with massive outer gassy atmospheres .
30 The chute will be replaced but the swings must wait for a future allocation of money .
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