Example sentences of "[noun pl] such [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This summer , Richard Stemp enjoyed his most successful bowling season so far for Worcestershire , with several matchwinning performances such as this against Gloucestershire .
2 The model can explain a pattern of acquired dyslexia known as surface dyslexia which is characterized by poor reading of irregularly spelled words such as ‘ yacht ’ or ‘ colonel ’ .
3 A 27-year-old party member and ex-Red Army man had read the press regularly since 1917 , but did not know the meaning of words such as ‘ class enemy ’ , occupation , period , or most abbreviations , including the USSR .
4 Thomas Laqueur quotes various nineteenth-century writers who use metaphors of enlargement , bursting and rupture ; words such as ‘ rut ’ , previously applied only to dogs , were employed to describe women .
5 Words such as ‘ revelation ’ , ‘ grace ’ , and in particular ‘ faith ’ are enlisted in order to justify the idea of an exclusive channel of communication between the Deity and His followers .
6 Be positive about what you are trying to achieve ; try to avoid words such as ‘ saddened ’ , ‘ ruinous ’ , ‘ hopeless ’ .
7 Key words such as self-help , accountability , responsibility , hard work , thrift — many central to the tradition of the English working classes and trade unions — have been appropriated and presented as specifically Conservative and in some way under threat from socialism and collective action .
8 There is strong support for the idea that excessive pain , expense , and hardship , together with no hope of benefit , may serve as the starting-points — though obviously words such as ‘ excessive ’ need further careful definition .
9 The introduction of words such as ‘ Woopies ’ , ‘ Wrinklies ’ and ‘ Golden Girls ’ suggests that the language of marketing is beginning to describe older people in its own terms .
10 Some words such as ‘ older ’ and ‘ younger ’ , express relativity ; to make them meaningful , further information is needed such as ‘ older than x ’ .
11 If words such as scio and non dubito in the second half of the second century were not regarded as showing clear intention to set up trusts , might they have been after these cases ?
12 Two other oddities are worth noting : first , the list does not confine itself to words of ‘ request ’ , but includes imperative words such as impero ( evidently a doubtful case ) as well as mando , which is placed in the ‘ normal ’ category , and does in fact turn up in several other texts ; second , relinquo and commendo are excluded : why ?
13 Words such as peto contentus sis seem to have been used so widely that they soon raised no doubts or difficulties of interpretation .
14 Words such as those in list ( b ) are more suitable for writing objectives .
15 In the early stages of learning a task , feedback in the form of words such as ‘ good ’ and ‘ well done ’ should be provided more frequently and immediately .
16 Personality A was shown a list containing words such as ‘ arm ’ , ‘ finger ’ and ‘ toe ’ ; personality B learned a list containing words such as ‘ leg ’ , ‘ toenail ’ and ‘ thumb ’ , and so on with the other lists and personalities .
17 Personality A was shown a list containing words such as ‘ arm ’ , ‘ finger ’ and ‘ toe ’ ; personality B learned a list containing words such as ‘ leg ’ , ‘ toenail ’ and ‘ thumb ’ , and so on with the other lists and personalities .
18 Our language testifies to this with words such as ‘ lunatic ’ , ‘ moonling ’ and ‘ moonstruck ’ .
19 Words such as klystron and rhumbatron were heard in the land and the papers of William Hansen on resonators were a continual topic of discussion .
20 The liberal use of words such as ‘ ugliness ’ , ‘ bulldozed ’ , vitriolic ’ and ‘ opinionated ’ in the letter implies that the present situation has been orchestrated by a tiny minority of parents .
21 She interwove the Emmaus story into her talk , mentioning words such as ‘ companioning ’ , ‘ accompanying ’ — which made me realise that we are all here to help see one another to the heavenly Jerusalem : — the word meaning a place of peace — ‘ Jerushalom ’ .
22 That is , they convey by sound what they describe — words such as scrunch , squelch , murmur , ting-a-ling , squidgy , howl , crunchy , yuk and footsteps that go pitter-patter or just clump , clump , clump .
23 I no longer linked money with struggling , coveting , fearing and grasping ; instead , words such as bubbling , enjoying , giving , welcoming and channelling came to mind .
24 I even bought a set of those flash cards with pictures and words such as Cat , Dog , Rabbit , Mummy and Daddy in my attempt to awake in him a hunger for knowledge .
25 Too often , words such as ‘ stunned ’ and ‘ shocked ’ are flippantly used to describe players feelings .
26 His version uses words such as buyer and seller instead of offeror and offeree , and reduces the average sentence length from 36 words to 24 .
27 They are similar to those appearing in statutory instruments made under the Companies Act 1985 which relate to businesses , and include words such as bank , Great Britain , Queen , United Kingdom and Windsor .
28 I suspect they did not realise that words such as ‘ grammar ’ or ‘ progressive ’ reflect very different meanings according to context , or that the language of educational discussion had changed radically since they were at school .
29 For example , many speakers from the United States , Scotland or south-west England pronounce the r sound after the vowel in words such as car and farm ; most speakers in south-east England do not .
30 Compound words such as ‘ birthday ’ and ‘ milkman ’ .
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