Example sentences of "[noun pl] than if " in BNC.

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1 We established the same result in Section 9.2 by applying the CS conditions to LP* ( 2 , 0 , 0 ) and it is worth noting that the resulting inequalities typically involve more variables than if ( 9.8 ) is used , but ( 9.8 ) presumes a knowledge of the tableau as opposed to just knowing the BFS .
2 But if you can arrange for experienced selectors to be present then this may lead to a more objective assessment of the candidates than if you act alone .
3 Increased liquidity for investors provided by the Stock Exchange means that investors will accept lower returns for long-term investments than if the exchange did not exist .
4 The study suggests that women under 50 with breast cancer are more likely to die from the disease if it is first picked up by mammograms than if they discover the lump by feeling their breasts .
5 Working around a resource-based pattern , especially when what Holly has called " structured heroism " is expected to play an important role , the teacher-team can plan more readily for multiple methodologies than if the basic pattern is what might in contrast be termed " developed exposition " .
6 I am unable to see why equitable assignments , with this fall-back declaration of trust , ought to be treated in any way differently for compensation purposes than if in place of assignments there had been simple declarations of trust .
7 I mean the you 've probably got more chance of having an audience with her if you 've got aids than if you have n't catch aids , meet the princess
8 Some regional breweries such as Palatine have found good niches for their products , but many others are content to sell lagers brewed by national companies such as Whitbread , thus accepting lower margins than if they brewed their own .
9 They could earn far more money in these positions than if they remained inside the universities , be assured of good meals daily and sometimes also have accommodation provided .
10 He explained that in allowing herself to cry she was showing a normal reaction to her loss and that this would lead to earlier resolution of her feelings than if she bottled them up .
11 The Modern Language Association Bibliography from 1985 to the present is available on compact disc , so you can do much quicker searches than if you had to haul out each year 's book one by one .
12 A bookmark showed the page : ‘ J'ai plus de souvenirs que si j'avais mille ans ’ — ‘ I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old . ’
13 There are a number of reasons for thinking that such information transmission may be easier to manage if it occurs within firms than if it is subject to market transactions , and this means that there is a case for thinking that R&D activities ( particularly the D ) may have to be part of a vertically related structure that extends back into important input markets , and forward into downstream consumer markets ( see Teece , 1986 , Geroski , 1992 , and Jorde and Teece , 1990 , who apply these arguments to the antitrust treatment of co-operative R&D ventures ) .
14 Being called upon by the media as an expert , either in print or in a programme which it is obvious you have not paid for , lends far more credence to your comments than if it is obvious you have paid to have them put in —
15 Or will the people discover the lie and then be less ready to accept and be guided by his rulings than if he had been more open from the start ?
16 It has been reported that patients taking NSAIDs experience more dyspepsia and have more chronic ulcers if they are colonised by Helicobacter pylori than if they are not .
17 If you g if you attend a nursery school , you 're less likely to fall into criminal ways than if you have n't attended a nursery school .
18 And when anyone treats my daughter like that I find it very hard to forgive , I know it hurts my kids , I 'm much more up in arms than if they hurt me .
19 Richard Baxter believed the debate produced by this controversial oath alienated more people from the bishops than if the question had never been raised .
20 Insider trading on undisclosed information causes a more gradual adjustment in share prices than if the information is made public ( Manne , 1966 , p.87 ) .
21 That way they think twice as much of the girls than if I had praised them myself . ’
22 If it is possible for firms to make binding commitments , for example legally enforceable contracts , to carry out certain agreed actions , then this raises a fundamentally different set of issues than if no such commitments are possible .
23 I got better results than if I 'd stayed at school .
24 ( Try thinking about your finger movements when you play a well-known tune on a keyboard — you make more mistakes than if you let your fingers do the thinking . )
25 Now it may for the game that if he can cover the square number twelve , he will score more points than if he covers the square with the nine .
26 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
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