Example sentences of "[noun pl] did n't " in BNC.

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1 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
2 Polly wondered instantly , and clamped her lips together so the words did n't spill out .
3 She had a hand pressed against the wall for support , and her hard tone and blunt words did n't fool Belinda into thinking she did n't care .
4 Since her words did n't appear to be an invitation to food , he returned his intense concentration to the man .
5 Words did n't seem able to describe the confusion of her feelings for fitzAlan .
6 And by the way I 'm very pleased to see that some of you actually wrote it completely in your own words did n't you .
7 Juliet was studying the road map and her mother 's last words did n't register .
8 Jean loved it because , mind you she forgot a lot of the words did n't she ?
9 I told him that the Owsla 's privileges did n't mean all that much to me in any case and that a strong rabbit could always do just as well by leaving the warren .
10 The Yanks did n't even bother to screen it , but we Brits lapped up the handlebar-moustachioed plotting and a-planning of David McCallum and Robert Wagner , not to mention the dastardly swagger of Nazi stereotype Anthony Valentine , who became a sex symbol .
11 Of course they do , yeah cos we bought them onions and carrots did n't we ?
12 His lips did n't curve or pucker when he smiled .
13 ‘ Tip glass , tip ! ’ she ordered , but her lips did n't move and she made no sound .
14 As I pondered my professional future with the company in the late Sixties , the self doubts did n't go away easily .
15 Piers did n't answer .
16 Piers did n't say anything , but he did n't press the point with her .
17 Piers did n't look in the slightest bit put out by this statement .
18 Because er we 've done sort of I must Where did I write that if I 've lost that list , I suppose to keep Erm , Ron , tin and then you 've got hankies did n't you ?
19 Tomlinson ( 1984 ) showed that Caribbean parents wanted schools to focus on basic skills , discipline and equal opportunities in examinations and that Muslim parents felt that schools did n't attempt to recognise their cultural and religious values .
20 The Libyans did n't do that . ’
21 If those trainers did n't want to end up in a splash they 'd better get out of the way before I …
22 Cos you see we was lucky how we got our bricks did n't we ?
23 Nikos did n't share his humour .
24 I did notice , however , that some of the wild plants and flowers that seemed to do well on my pastures did n't grow in other people 's fields .
25 Fand and Liban came behind , but their spears did n't light the way , only set confusing reflections in the walls .
26 She could hardly concentrate on what he was doing , because she was far too busy concentrating on making sure that her stupid legs did n't crumble under her .
27 slap your legs did n't you .
28 I , I er , o we had to get the ladders we had to go up the ladders did n't we ?
29 Susan 's knees did n't work properly yet .
30 He made a bit of eight inch wire , like er a U piece , and the bar at , bottom bar of the U held the tail so if the springs broke the tails did n't duck under and smash the cam .
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