Example sentences of "[noun pl] said at " in BNC.

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1 In any event , you would do well to strive to avoid the uncertainty of a dispute about the legal effect of words said at a time when tempers flare .
2 Dannii said at the time : ‘ We do n't see a lot of her because our schedules clash really badly .
3 In many countries the Bible really has proved , as the Latin American bishops said at Puebla in 1979 , ‘ the soul of evangelization ’ and of religious education .
4 Delighted civic leaders said at a champagne celebration in the city that the decision was a vital boost to Manchester 's challenge to stage the Olympic Games in the year 2000 .
5 She died in September , three days after being rushed to hospital with multiple injuries which , doctors said at her inquest , could not have been caused accidentally .
6 Whatever the newspapers said at the time , we knew where every penny of revenue was coming from and every penny of expenditure was going .
7 Chief Superintendent Paul Green of Holborn Police said at the scene last night : ‘ The only thing that can be said about the target is that it was in one of London 's main streets at a very busy time .
8 Police said at the time that it looked like the work of the IRA .
9 Police said at least two youths were involved .
10 Among our samples , for instance , 79 per cent of the spouses said at first interview that they wanted the dementia sufferer to remain at home , compared with 36 per cent of the non-spouses .
11 Unconfirmed reports said at least six people were killed and 15 wounded .
12 Russian press reports said at the time the CIS vessel suffered damage to its sail , periscope and bridge .
13 NCR terminal house Applied Digital Data Systems said at its official launch earlier this month that it pre-sold 2,300 of its brand new 960-based 3533 XLR X stations ( UX No 398 ) during the last three weeks of August .
14 Jobs said at Comdex that NeXTStep was created in answer to the problem of ever-increasing amounts of code necessary for today 's increasingly complex applications — with NeXTStep 's object-oriented development tools , custom applications can be written up to 10 times faster than for MS-DOS or Windows , have greater quality and reliability , 83% fewer lines of code , at a 90% cost saving .
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