Example sentences of "[noun pl] as well " in BNC.

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1 Delacroix 's journal is articulate , concerned with other arts as well as painting , besides containing much comment on contemporary life .
2 Some are veritable campuses where students can learn about logarithms as well as lobs , fine arts as well a s fitness training .
3 My master deepened my unease with a story about the stark , square building 's previous owners , the Templars ; the monks of war who , two centuries previously , had been brutally crushed by the papacy and the French crown because of their alleged involvement in witchcraft , dabbling in the Black Arts as well as such unnatural vices as sodomy and the worship of a huge black cat .
4 Fast flows experience of the Tees towards cultural exchanges in art VISUAL arts officer Mr Steve Chettle wants to see Cleveland taken seriously as a place to visit and admire its arts as well as being an area of historic interest because of its heavy industries .
5 This important oath not only bound Barbarossa never to recognise Alexander as pope , but also bound imperial successors as well as the bishops and princes .
6 And I chose a conception that promised me a child of certain defined personality characteristics as well as physical ones .
7 They might , therefore , reasonably be expected to share characteristics that were also possessed by those common ancestors , even if they have unique characteristics as well .
8 ’ There are other distinctive Scottish characteristics as well .
9 It gives information about adverse effects and gives diet guidelines as well as a list of do 's and don'ts when taking the drug .
10 Clearly , it has a mind which can actually distinguish twenty notes per second while singing them , also hearing the nuances and variations in both its own songs as well as fellow members of its kind .
11 Craig : ‘ Yeah , but they had this element where they could write classic pop chart songs , and then again they could write ten minute mad songs as well .
12 ‘ We used Johnny Dankworth 's songs as well and talked about the play and about acting .
13 Er because having written half the songs as well , the lyrics all mean something so I may as well have spoken them as sung them .
14 By the end of the eighteenth century the idea of the clear-cut linear frontier was accepted not merely by governments but by peoples as well .
15 Malaysian logging policies and practices have been the subject of protests by indigenous peoples as well as environmentalists .
16 Some of the tree remedies , however , are prepared from flowering sprigs which include the twigs as well as the flowers and these are placed in fresh water , brought to the boil , simmered for an hour , cooled and strained .
17 Mm and you should beat yourself with twigs as well .
18 But the researcher must use his ears as well as his eyes .
19 It 's got odd ears as well .
20 Their starting-points , their work backgrounds and their position in the education system as users and receivers make it likely that the criticisms of non-teachers as well as their expressions and acts of support will differ from those of teachers .
21 A couple of showcases contain a number of extra goodies such as a variety of hats and caps as well as horse bells and bridles , while another has cooking utensils and an assortment of boots and shoes .
22 They were all dressed in the navy blue suits and their white and their black caps as well .
23 To win a prize send in your captions as well as any photographs you think could feature in this section to : Dogs Today
24 In recent years , the DET has begun to offer carrots as well as sticks .
25 And going it alone in this kind of way increases the risks as well as limiting choice .
26 The national companies such as Mexico and Venezuela are still re-organizing themselves and obviously a lot of time , effort and nervous energy is being spent by people on figuring out what to do in the C I S , where there are obviously great opportunities , but great risks as well .
27 Squares as well .
28 A new report has been published on the market for nonwovens , aimed at users and manufacturers as well as unfamiliar industrialists .
29 Reference will be made to manufacturers as well as to auctioneers who also have liabilities ( and rights ) distinct from those of the seller or buyer .
30 There 's an intarsia chart of that amazing craft , Thunderbird 2 , with a pattern sized to fit ‘ second-time-around ’ fans as well as young new ones .
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